Honeycomb theme?


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
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Anybody else wish they had a XOOM right now but doesn't have $700 to blow? How about a honeycomb theme for our favorite rom?! Nothing too fancy just blue color notification bar icons, some blue app icons, and maybe blue colored unlock bars? Those new fancy animations and blue highlights seem too much to ask for. Anybody else like the idea? I wish I could do this myself but cant..
What ROM are you running? If its gingerbread with Tmobiles theme engine (such as UD 3.0) then there's one called "Honeybread" that's in alpha stages right now. Works really well with the ADW Honeycomb theme. I'll post my screenshot if I can. Whatever ROM your using usually helps. :p
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Yep there's my current setup. And yes, that is Relient K. Haha. This shot is actually from LGB 1.3, but everything I have setup will also work in UD 3.0. Good luck!

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Well this is in the apex forum so I figured ppl would get I would want it for apex 1.4. But yeah any help would be nice cuz I'm desperate for some honeycomb!
My bad. I realized that after I posted. I'm on my Droid so I didn't see the hierarchy. I'm not too familiar with that ROM, but if you've got the "Theme Chooser" app in your drawer than a quick Google of honeybread apk should set ya up. I got mine from xda. And of course adw rocks on any ROM. :p

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