Horizontal flashing when turning off/on


New Member
Nov 13, 2011
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Lately I have noticed when I close or open my screen (by pushing the button on right side of phone) the lower half of my screen flashes yellow horizontal stripes before going off or on. Any idea why this is happening? or what it means?
Lately I have noticed when I close or open my screen (by pushing the button on right side of phone) the lower half of my screen flashes yellow horizontal stripes before going off or on. Any idea why this is happening? or what it means?
Honestly as much as I don't want to cause you any undue concern, any time I've ever seen stripes of any kind, whether horizontal or vertical on a display it's been related to either a failure of the screen, such as a crack, or due to one of the screen's edge connectors coming loose, or due to a failed or failing display controller.

This problem could be related to a failing or somehow flawed display controller. It could be as simple as re-seating the ribbon cable that connects the display to that motherboard. In any event it's not normal from my knowledge.