How Do I Delete "Instant Mix" From Library?


Aug 19, 2011
Reaction score
Ypsilanti, MI
Somehow an Instant Mix got created in my library and I do not want it. I'm on Google Music's site and can't seem to get rid of it.
Edit: removed false information. I hadn't played with the update sufficiently.
I spoke with Google Play Support and they told me it is a built in feature and cannot be disabled at this time. If you hate this feature as do I, I suggest we keep letting them know we don't like it and maybe they'll give us the option to turn it off if we want.

Contact Google Play about Music - Google Play Help

[email protected]
Hi there,

The "Instant Mix" feature is actually a built in feature that cannot be disabled at this time. We're constantly working to improve Music on Google Play, and I'll make sure to pass your request to the rest of the team.

We love hearing from our users, so thanks for taking the time to write.

Best Regards,

Google Play Support Team
What is this, Apple telling me what I need? Don't force a feature I can't stand (and works terribly). I wiped out my entire collection trying to get rid of the stupid thing, thankfully I did it right after I backed up my library.
What is this, Apple telling me what I need? Don't force a feature I can't stand (and works terribly). I wiped out my entire collection trying to get rid of the stupid thing, thankfully I did it right after I backed up my library.

I assume you mean Google. Anyway, they just keep replying with semi robotic answers stating they are passing the suggestions on. Keep bugging them people, its the only way to get them to move their feet.
I assume you mean Google. Anyway, they just keep replying with semi robotic answers stating they are passing the suggestions on. Keep bugging them people, its the only way to get them to move their feet.

By Apple I mean Apple. Apple as in they tell me I need a feature because they say so.

On a side note I now have multiple instant mixes, none of them make any sense or are even the same genre. THIS IS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE.

(first world problems)
Still no answer from Google about letting us delete/disable this "feature" but I keep hammering their support with emails in order to get the ball rolling. ANyone know their CEO's email address?
I've contacted Google about this as well. I will report back if I hear anything. Automatically opting people in for features like this is bs - I've gone back to Amazon MP3 until its resolved.
That extension is nice, but I am more concerned with removing them from my phone since a majority of my music is played from my phone.