How do i Lock Screen When Done Talking?


New Member
Jul 15, 2010
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How do I lock the screen when I am done talking and want to put the phone in my pocket? On the old Droid there was a button on the top right of the phone, but on this I can't seem to figure it out and I don't want to be calling people randomly or opening up apps when I put the phone in my pocket.
I can set it to 15 seconds timeout but that gets annoying when you're using the phone.

Please help
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I don't have mine yet, but from looking at pictures it seems there is a lock button on the top of the phone, near where it was on the Droid.
Yeah I just logged back on to say nevermind I found it. haha

And of course someone who doesn't even have the phone knows how to do it and I don't.

Good luck with yours!

This phone is the ****
Yeah I just logged back on to say nevermind I found it. haha

And of course someone who doesn't even have the phone knows how to do it and I don't.

Good luck with yours!

This phone is the ****

There's one waiting behind the counter for me when I get off work. :)

Good luck!
me 2

cant wait...boss im sick (cough cough) dancedroid
I must be blind. I still can't find how to lock it up.