How do I upgrade to the latest version of Android?


New Member
Feb 14, 2011
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OK, I am trying to learn how this all works still. I am happily rocking Liberty 1.5 now, kicking blur out the door. What I don't know understand is, does Liberty Rom sit as a layer on top of Android 2.2.1 (the version my phone says it has) or it independent? Is it possible to upgrade Android without changing Liberty? Or are they intertwined to the point that you must get a new version of Liberty to go up the Android path as well?

Sorry for the simplistic question. I tried searching the forums, but could not find a clear answer. :(
Liberty is a ROM all itself. The version that your phone says its running(2.2.1) is the version of source code that has been released by google. You'll be able to upgrade to the lastest version when the creator of Liberty creates a new ROM using the new code. Hope this makes sense. I'm sure there a few things I missed but this should help you get the jist of it

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Ah, that's what I suspected. That takes a load off my mind. Now I don't have to spend any time searching on how to upgrade, I can simply watch for an upgrade to Liberty. Thanks!