How hot is too hot?


Jun 9, 2011
Reaction score
I was really looking forward to playing some games, given all the great specs, but it's getting pretty hot. And since I have a laptop in pieces with a burnt out motherboard and I just got my 360 fixed after rrod, I'm a little nervous. It does cool down very quickly. If I play while charging, it gets very hot. So I don't do that... But am I in danger of harming the processors running kinda hot? My OG would get hot, but took a long time to cool off. Not sure what the difference is. I also haven't messed with the kernel yet, but I am rooted. Will a different kernel help that? Thanks for your help!

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In wondering as well. Good question

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The thing you'll need to worry most about is the battery over the internals. Unless you did a dangerous OC; the hardware should have some sort of fail-safe to temputure. Such as the phone restarting or telling you it's hot. At most you'd obviously you feel the heat to know it's time to cool down.
Mine does get pretty hot too. But does seem to cool down quite quickly. ... the how hot is too hot is a good question that I can't answer...

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I had setcpu warn me if my OG got to 120F. Which it did, a lot lol. I've had it that way for two plus years though. So I do the same with the nexus. Haven't been near that temp though. Anyways,that's just me, I'm no expert on temperatures.

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Unless your OC'd you never have to worry about overheating. If you are OC'd, then just have a setcpu profile set at 50°C.