How to clone my phone... ? Help needed


New Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Hi, I have been searching hard and can't find what I need, so I decided to create a thread with my question:

Is there a way, via App or PC, to basically "clone" my phone ?

I have a replacement for my DNA (my second replacement actually) and I hate the thought of starting from scratch again.
I know there are backups that will reinstall my apps, but not necessarily the data (saved passwords, settings)... and definitely not all my phone settings.
My phone is not rooted, so that is in the way too.

It is customized with Nova launcher, and a lot of my apps have passwords saved in them too.
I know there are tons of "back up/restore" apps, but many of them require rooting to get everything migrated.
I don't want to.

So does anyone know of another way to migrate all my apps, data, settings, etc... and basically "clone" my old phone into my new one?

If I can't "clone" are there good back up apps that include all the data and passwords without rooting ?

Thank you very much.
By far the best way is through root and TitaniumBackup... The other apps won't pull info from the system files which is where most of the info you are looking to pull is from..

Note Uno Uno.
Ok, my searching has led me to that conclusion also. I just don't want to do that until warranty is over, I guess.
Thanks for the reply.