How To Record Calls On The Galaxy S5


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Oct 6, 2011
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Calling the cable company can be a pain. They always let you know that they are "recording the call for quality purposes". While this may be the case don't you often think, "I wish I could record the call as well". Often times you may speak to someone who promises one thing while the company actually delivers something else. There are plenty of other reasons you may want to record a call. The only problem is this option is not normally available by default. In the Galaxy S5 this is the case.

No worries though, developer "_alexndr" has put together a quick guide to show you how to enable this feature on your Galaxy S5. You will need to be rooted since this does require you to modify an XML file within the device's /system partition. There is also a .zip that can be applied via ODIN which makes the process super simple. You can also flash the mod via custom recovery. Head to the link below for the full guide! ]

Check your local laws on phone recording, at least in Texas, it is illegal unless the person on the other end consents to being recorded.
Check your local laws on phone recording, at least in Texas, it is illegal unless the person on the other end consents to being recorded.
I thought in TX it was legal as long as one party knew... Hmmm.. I should check on that... Good heads up Sydman
You are correct, I probably shouldn't have said consent. They have to be made aware at least, but if you are talking to many people and some are from another state, you could also get in trouble there too. Always good to CYA.
If they can record the call you should be allowed to also. If it isn't legal then that's BS and you should be able to opt out of them recording you. Only fair, but not how this country works anymore.
I have tried that in the past. As soon as I say, "I'm going to record this conversation," a manager is put on the phone who tells me that if I continue to record the conversation, they will hang up. I tried Verizon, the utility companies, cable. They are all the same.
Most states only one party had to consent. If you initiate the call that makes you one party, so I don't think you need to inform or gain the consent of the other party to record.
Most states only one party had to consent. If you initiate the call that makes you one party, so I don't think you need to inform or gain the consent of the other party to record.

I just thought about this and I don't see why we can't record the call. When the recording says this call may be recorded we are giving consent by staying on the call, but don't they give permission when they have the statement read on the line? The have to cover their ass by doing the two way consent since we might be in a state with those laws, so then they are giving their permission for call recording. Shouldn't matter at that point if one or both sides record the call. I'd like to hear a lawyers input on this.