How to remove the SD card??


Sep 14, 2010
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Ok, so I used to have an LG ENV 3, now I have the Droid X and I love it. Now I knew how to remoe my sd card from my LG it was really easy. But on my Droid X it will not come out easily because the battery seems to be blocking it from being able to be removed. My batter is also really tight in the slot for it and I cannot remove it no matter how much I try to remove it, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I want to remove the SD card so that I am able to print pictures from it.
You should be able to mount your DX to a computer via USB and access the pictures without removing your SD card

If you do have to remove the SD though, the battery needs to be removed first, it is designed this way to prevent the SD from being removed while the device is powered on