HTC Jumps On the Press Event Bandwagon; Holding Their Own Event Sept. 19th


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

It seems like September will be the month of press events. We already had the Samsung event, which launched the Galaxy Note 2, and later today we will have the Motorola event, where we might finally see the Droid RAZR HD. Now it looks like HTC is getting in on the act. They just issued out their invitations to a press event being held on September 19th. Could this be where they launch the new rumored HTC 5-inch phablet device? Perhaps something more? In fact, they also issued the invitation to several Windows Phone based sites as well, so they apparently are going to be launching a Windows phone at the same time. We will follow the event and share any of the goods as soon as we know them.

Source: HTCOneForum
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that blue graphic looks like a sad cyclops.
With all these big reveals there might be enough noise to drown out iDevices sales. Three awesome new Sony Xperia phones and a tablet, new HD Motos, the new Galaxy Tab 10.1, whatever HTC is about to release, new Nokia WP8 devices, and the remaining Nexus phones that have yet to drop. It's a great time to hate Apple.
The funny thing is that pretty much all the top end phones should have equal or better specs than the iPhone 5. Advertising should be easy. All they have to say is hey, our phones had those specs 9 months ago.
"iPhone 5: for those living in the past." Someone needs to pick that up tout de suite.