HTC One M8 Scores Double the iFixit Repairability of Previous Gen; Still Very Bad


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

The iFixit folks had the new HTC One M8 in their test labs already. There is good news and bad news regarding the dissection testing of its repairability. The good news is that it scored double what the HTC One M7 device from last year scored on the repairability scale. The bad news is that this score was still utterly horrible.

The new HTC One M8 scored a whole 2 out of 10 for repairability. This may be twice the level of the last one, but that obviously isn't saying much. Despite it having a low repairability score, the video, pics and blog regarding the teardown are as fascinating to check out as usual. It probably shouldn't come as a surprise that the repairability of either if these devices is so abysmal. That's typically what happens when the design is top-notch.

When a manufacturer puts together a tightly designed device, it naturally isn't as modular, which makes it tougher to repair. The plus side is that adds extra value to HTC's new Advantage program which offers free repairs for the device during the first six months of ownership. Be sure to check out the full teardown at the source link below.

Source: iFixit
This isnt something i would ever worry about. After 6 months id be jumping to the next newest and greatest. unless its just that good.
Yes we've reached a point that when the battery degenerates to abysmal proportions it's throw away time.

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