Huawei Mate 10 Launching With A DEX Like Feature?!


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Oct 6, 2011
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As Huawei prepares to announce its next major flagship device we are starting to see all sorts of rumors. The Mate 10 launches in a just a few days, and according to sources it may launch with a Samsung DEX like feature. The desktop interface for the Mate 10 would work using a proprietary docking system. This would convert your Mate 10 into a desktop PC seamlessly which would keep you from having to tug around your laptop all day. According to the source the feature would also work with existing docks. This of course is just a rumor as we have heard nothing official from Huawei so take this with a grain of salt. We will know more on October 16th once the device has launched.

via XDA


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I don’t but this phone looks to be the real deal ...

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I enjoyed the old Moto Lapdock 500 that I had with my Droid Bionic. Too bad they were so expensive years ago. I bought mine used for less than half price and used it wuite a bit until I sold it & the phone together. I believe this is the third new "dock" style system we have seen this year in news stories. What's old is new again.

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I have used Dex at work.. Its nice and smooth .. You can switch been desktop and screen mirroring within seconds.
to think, something we hold in our hands is more powerful than the rooms of computers that help send man to the moon. and now dex has transformed it into a desktop computer. it is amazing how tech has advanced so much over the years.

if phone manufactures do things right, home computers will be run by our phones soon.
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if phone manufactures do things right, home computers will be run by our phones soon.

That's assuming MS and Google ever allow dual-booting. Which probably means we'll see this from Apple, first.

It would be a nice feature to have, but carrying a slim laptop in a briefcase bag doesn't bother me.

Actually, not much need to take home anything any more, thanks to VPN, faster internet, flash drives, etc..
That's assuming MS and Google ever allow dual-booting. Which probably means we'll see this from Apple, first.

It would be a nice feature to have, but carrying a slim laptop in a briefcase bag doesn't bother me.

Actually, not much need to take home anything any more, thanks to VPN, faster internet, flash drives, etc..

actually samsung DeX will now run linux :) I am seriously thinking about getting one now. It also means Huawei may also. but it will be wait and see.

Samsung's phone-as-desktop concept now runs Linux
actually samsung DeX will now run linux :) I am seriously thinking about getting one now.

Oh that's interesting. Unfortunately most of us are pretty pinned down to the Office Suite, which simply doesn't play well with Linux.

I've played with a few Linux installations. Granted, I made very little effort to learn, but as someone who's pretty computer literate I've struggled to understand how to navigate and install stuff. Definitely an interesting option for older machines, or maybe to save a few bucks on my next laptop.
Oh that's interesting. Unfortunately most of us are pretty pinned down to the Office Suite, which simply doesn't play well with Linux.

I've played with a few Linux installations. Granted, I made very little effort to learn, but as someone who's pretty computer literate I've struggled to understand how to navigate and install stuff. Definitely an interesting option for older machines, or maybe to save a few bucks on my next laptop.

I don't know how much linux the dex will have but if it is a full distro, you are right, office products could be an issue.

what I could never get it why others have so much problems with linux other than getting the wrong distro to start with. it works just like windows, just have different names for stuff. to install files is as easy as windows and in a similar fashion, and more. It has office suites that are microsoft compatible that will run in windows too. (open office and libre office). there are a few problem areas but not like it was 10 years ago.

anyway getting off topic. I think using the dex and the android phone with the ability to use other operating systems is a big plus. you think about how powerful a phone is compared to early computers. my first computer had two floppies and no harddrive, with next to nothing ram. this is why I think the phone could be the next computer, you come home, place it in a dock and now your computer it ready to be used. no need to worry about syncing anymore.
you come home, place it in a dock and now your computer it ready to be used. no need to worry about syncing anymore.

Yes - a wireless dummy laptop! How great would it be to be able to get such a laptop that focuses on the keyboard, screen and battery life...and no issues with heat?

But I'm almost always on my laptop, anyway, and do as much as I can without using my phone. Though it would be nice to carry my "office" on my phone in my pocket.