I am desperate. I need to unbrick my Bionic.


New Member
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
I flashed CM 10.1 and now the boot logo is on a loop. I tried doing a recovery and to no avail. I'm currently looking to use RSD Lite to flash the stock ROM but no where...and I mean no where on the internet can I find a working file. So therefore I came to you wizards over here. I'm desperate...what can be done? Thank you.
Thank you, Mustang...I'm going to try it right now :biggrin:
If you can still get to fastboot, you should be good to go. You could even look for HouseOfBionic that could help you get back to 246 stock as well.
I keep on receiving this error: Please Check input file. Either XML format is wrong or image files associated are missing. What does this mean?
Did you unzip the file?
I did not but I now have. Now there's another issue... It gives me the information on the file on RSD v5.3.1 but clicking start does nothing. Once again, you're very kind, thanks for helping.
Try rsd 5.7 lite.
I found my error. 5.3.1 is working... I'm now waiting for it to end to see what happens... and it failed. I am going to download 5.7 and will report back.
You saved my life, sir. I will definitely be staying on this site.