i have a method to sync all itunes playlists perfectly


Active Member
Nov 17, 2009
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hey, this might be common knowledge already, but i found a way to sync all your playlists from itunes to your droid perfectly.
i know there are apps that try to do this, but my way is free and those apps do work 98% of the time (isyncr, htcsync, etc..)

all you do is drag all your music to your sd card, however you want it doesnt matter. then go to itunes and go to the playlist you want to export and click file>library>export playlist. then save it anywhere on your computer, but you need to save it as a .m3u
then just drag the .m3u file from your computer to your sdcard and your phone will load your playlists perfectly. (you have to export and each playlist seperately, then move each to your sd)

you might all know this already, but i love it because it works and its easy.
Have you ever tried TuneSync, works perfectly for me and syncs wirelessly.
Thanks for the tip. I did the drag and drop method

My addiction
Have you ever tried TuneSync, works perfectly for me and syncs wirelessly.

ya, i forgot about that one, but i have tried it, it would sync some of my playlists, not all, and they would be missing songs. maybe i'm just unlucky, but this is a sure fire way that should work every time
Thanks for the tip. I did the drag and drop method

My addiction

ya, so now you should be able to just drag the .m3u's and theyll all be there. i hope it works for you