ICS update for razr maxx

Rumors, but can't provide proof. Yep, that seems to be the trend.

Mobiles Republic

ope this is proof enough that he said it. You can find multiple websites stating that he said it at the conference. Can this change? Of course. But at least its from motorola and not some guy with photoshop skills claiming to be a best buy rep with inside info about updates.
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Chukee said:
Mobiles Republic

ope this is proof enough that he said it. You can find multiple websites stating that he said it at the conference. Can this change? Of course. But at least its from motorola and not some guy with photoshop skills claiming to be a best buy rep with inside info about updates.
Not really. His name isn't even spelled right in this article and VP of marketing in Europe isn't the head of Motorola.
ndtaylor77 said:
Not really. His name isn't even spelled right in this article and VP of marketing in Europe isn't the head of Motorola.

Well. Dont know what else to tell you. Other than Keep a lookout for another bestbuy rep screen shot. We all know they are always right on the money.
94lt1 said:
Dude... you can't have a version of prime with red eyes... its not right!! Lol. My son would throw a fit if he saw that!! Where can I get that pic?? Lol


Here is the latest version,I want happy with the shading on the other one.

Ps. Sorry guys i'm not trying to hijack this thread.

View attachment 50223
Somehow I don't a few months is happening. Most likely sooner, there's already been multiple leaks. Not to mention a recent one as of yesterday that included color for Facebook. Supposedly this recent one is actually......brace yourself.... 4.04 its on Droid
Razr forums if anyone is interested.

Yes someone posted RAZR/maxx will get our updates on the 21/23 for pull. But I still believe when i see it. Not on paper either as I don't care how official the document is. I want to see it...lol

Simply Amazing ...
Essentially Stunning,
Motorola Droid Razr---->Minimum<-----:)
Tapped via Red Xparent Pro>:-!
Yes someone posted RAZR/maxx will get our updates on the 21/23 for pull. But I still believe when i see it. Not on paper either as I don't care how official the document is. I want to see it...lol

Simply Amazing ...
Essentially Stunning,
Motorola Droid Razr---->Minimum<-----:)
Tapped via Red Xparent Pro>:-!

+1 million.

Maxxed Out!!
ICS isn't really that great IMO. I rooted and flashed one of the leaks and had it for a month before I broke my Maxx. Just got my replacement yesterday and I am not even going to bother with it again. Its nothing special really, mostly appearance upgrades. I didn't notice my phone running any different at all. I'll just wait for the official release.

ICS brings hardware acceleration to the Razr. For crackflashers and ROM developers, this will open a new world. Currently, ROMs developed for the razr and maxx does not have video available (except youtube). Also a few other things do not function properly, like both processors. Hardware acceleration will help fix these problems.
hasbrobot said:
Here is the latest version,I want happy with the shading on the other one.

Ps. Sorry guys i'm not trying to hijack this thread.

<img src="http://www.droidforums.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=50223"/>

