Iphone 6 Plus Explodes In Bed!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Hoverboards have been the viral product of the year, that is until they started randomly exploding. Chinese companies rushed to throw inexpensive knockoffs to market substituting cheap cell phone batteries for heavy duty batteries. The end result was expected. You get what you pay for. When you pay upwards of $1000 for one of the most expensive phones on the market you don't expect it to do the same thing.

David Grimsley an Atlanta barber woke up to find his iPhone 6s laying next to him and on fire! He says, "There were sparks and flames". This could have had a devastating ending. Mattresses are known for being highly flammable. Luckily Grimsley woke up in time to knock the burning phone off the bed and onto the hard floor where the fire eventually died out. Grimsley only suffered minor burns to his hands.

Apple offered to send a new iPhone 6s to Mr. Grimsley who was a bit frustrated that Apple didn't seem any more concerned about his well being. He has even said that he is nervous to plug in his replacement phone and leaving it. Be careful when charging your devices, and always be sure to use a charge cord that meets your devices power ratings.

via Fox5Atlanta
Everyone wants what they're not entitled to, if Apple or Samsung etc planned to have the device explode and harm us, they'd be liable, otherwise no, things fail.

Sent from an Apple Galaxy Tab S2
How many millions of 6, 6+, 6S and 6S+'s are out there? One has a defect.... Big deal. Get a new phone and hope your shlt was backed up
How many millions of 6, 6+, 6S and 6S+'s are out there? One has a defect.... Big deal. Get a new phone and hope your shlt was backed up
Yes but if one has a defect there's a possibility of many more, even if only a tenth of a hundredth of a percent have this problem it's still a very very large number.

Good on them for replacing his phone.

If it was my billion dollar company here's a new phone an ipad and a 100 apple store gift card, or apple app store either one.

Cause that wouldn't even make a teeny tiny itsy bit of a dent in their astronomically large pocket book and would definitely make them look look tons better.

Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
lawsuit? seriously just sent him another phone? you'd think they'd send a giftcard or something at least. along with it
I'm sure it's more than just a replacement. I would think they would want the defective phone for examination. It just may turn out to be a user problem..
Yeah, scary situation, but they've done all they need to do IMO. A gift card would be nice, but if the phone isn't under manufacturer warranty, I don't think they owe him a new phone. Did they verify that he was using the approved charger in the proper way before sending him a new phone?

As Jeffrey pointed out, it could be a choice he made that led to this incident instead of a defect in the device itself. For them to send offer a replacement without first investigating the matter further is good on them. Would a gift card or something be nice if I was in this situation? Sure, but I don't see how he's entitled to anything more than a replacement and I'm not completely sold that he's entitled to that much.

A free ipad/etc wouldn't make any difference to the company at all, but I wouldn't expect more than for them to make good on the phone if it was found to be defective. If it turned out that I was using a third-party charger or had done something else wrong to cause this issue, I wouldn't expect anything.

I'm not saying this guy doesn't deserve any sympathy or anything, but I think their response is justified and people need to get over feeling like they're entitled to everything when they've earned nothing, so maybe this is more a rant about that than the specific incident in the OP...
I love how everyone keeps talking about how this guy has an entitlement problem.
You know what? He is entitled to something, just like all of us are, from a company. We're entitled to a device that doesn't disrupt your life or damage your property if used correctly. They spend countless millions promoting their product as something that will enhance our lives, and that we should trust their name and design. We're essentially being asked to buy their product and incorporate it into our home and daily life. When you do that you're entitled to a defect free product that won't damage your other belongings or put you in danger. That's not blown out of proportion, that's common sense. Do you really think it's OK for a defective product to burn your property and/or cause bodily harm? Is that really acceptable risk and "just how it is.". Would YOU be OK if they just gave you a replacement device and called it a day? Maybe I expect too much, but I think that's crazy.

I'd expect a company to send out a rep and take a look at the event, especially if bodily harm occurred. If he is found to have used the device properly and used approved chargers, etc., then he should get a replacement device (or a full refund at his request), some cash to replace what the device damaged, and Apple should request that he sign a conditional NDA. If the device was defective, Apple should examine it and use the incident to make a better product or improve their inspection process. Is that too much to ask from a company that makes well over $15,000,000,000 in profits every year?

Whether it is Apple, the guys who built my deck, or the company that made the silly battery operated Frozen™ castle that my daughter plays with. A safe product is what consumers are entitled to.
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