Is upgrading to 4.0.4 early worthwhile?


Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
I got a verizon gnex. I know the big red is gonna be idiots about releasing it and we probably wont get it till sometime after the next nexus phone is released.

But since there was a leaked version out there. Is it acctually worthwhile to temp root the device (i can live without root and without unlocking the bootloader) and flash the leaked 4.0.4 stock rom? Or should i hope and pray theyll release it before i start collecting social security?
Yes. I'm getting signal in places I got weak or no signal at all (underground in one of buildings). Manage to pull 3g in there at least. I frequent one area where the phone on 4.0.2 radios always struggled to keep a consistent 4g signal, no problems at all today. Definitely worth upgrading to 4.0.4 radios.
As to if it is worth it or not, that is a personal decision. There are some fixes in the upgrades since 4.0.2, so there could be some better functionality and potentially better battery life. But it isn't as though it is the greatest update in the history of updates.

The radios are a separate beast, and can be flashed separately. These differ from person to person, I personally didn't see much of a difference with the new radios (4G to 3G handoff seems to be a bit better). But YMMV.

Radios can be flashed from recovery, correct?

Sent from my Galactic Unicorn!

Yes, there are multiple versions out there. Make sure you download the ones that are installable via recovery opposed to the ones that are made to be flashed via fastboot if you want to install via recovery. Also note that recovery doesn't backup radios.
GalaxyFlatulence said:
probably not at this point in the game, 4.0.5 shouldn't be far off...

I don't think there is any "credible" proof that there is a 4.0.5 even in the works.
I don't think there is any "credible" proof that there is a 4.0.5 even in the works.

Absolutely. I'd love an official 4.0.5 for the updated prop blobs, but I'm not counting on Big Red for anything. If you want the updated build, just need to unlock and flash it.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Oh man I just realized I mentioned radios:D, was getting late.

Yeah, as cup said they're two different things (sorry for the confusion!). I did notice 4.0.4 makes the phone run a bit smoother and fixes a couple things such as the Android OS bug. If you're comfortable in going through with the update, then yes it is worth it imo. Some mention better battery life as well, but I've been running different ROMs and kernels lately I haven't been able to notice it.
They've been saying 4.0.5 was "coming soon" since early March.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I got a verizon gnex. I know the big red is gonna be idiots about releasing it and we probably wont get it till sometime after the next nexus phone is released.

But since there was a leaked version out there. Is it acctually worthwhile to temp root the device (i can live without root and without unlocking the bootloader) and flash the leaked 4.0.4 stock rom? Or should i hope and pray theyll release it before i start collecting social security?

Speaking as someone who flashed 4.0.3; I've found that the 4.0.4 rom plus 4.0.4 radios have made the phone SOOOO much more enjoyable to use.
steveil said:
Could you post a link. Always have problems finding things on their site. Thanks

I was gullible enough to go look. LOL knowing darn well that would be the last place to find it. I did find on one of their forums 4.0.5 "will not be anytime soon. " Like I said, there is absolutely NO credible information on this. The rumors started more than a month ago, and have since died.
People still looking for Verizon vaporware...? lol...
I got a verizon gnex. I know the big red is gonna be idiots about releasing it and we probably wont get it till sometime after the next nexus phone is released.

But since there was a leaked version out there. Is it acctually worthwhile to temp root the device (i can live without root and without unlocking the bootloader) and flash the leaked 4.0.4 stock rom? Or should i hope and pray theyll release it before i start collecting social security?

Its worth it

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2