Keyboard layout


New Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Can the keyboard layout be.changed? One small issue. The enter key in the lower right needs to be half that size and the period key moved to the right. The space needs to be about 20% longer on the right side. For some reason my thumb keeps hitting the space between space and period. So.I.keep typing. sentances. With.periods.intead of spaces. Any way to fix?

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No problem here with SwiftKey keyboard. Spaces are automatically entered when words are selected. Which is almost all the time, because SwiftKey actually predicts what you are typing.
Swiftkey didn't really do itfor me. The layout was nice but didn't move the period. I still hit it all the time. Then it started screwing up. Kept fixing correct typos or changing words without me seeing. If decided to replace droid with droidforum every time I typed it. Had to turn
Is there any way to customize the keyboard? With d'oh le space inserting a period the.period key could stand to go away completely.

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what keyboard are you using? i know the swype keyboard is a PITA to actually "type" on in landscape because of the location of the space, period and return key. but i never type with that keyboard. swyping automatically enters a space.

but to answer your question, no, i do not believe you can change the layout unless you code a keyboard from scratch to your liking.
Just using the standard. Keyboard. Not swipe. It works just fine for me except for the placement of the period key. Is the betterkeyboard any good? None of them have any security.issues do they? Im sure the warning is.just android being overly.cautious.

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you could look at Ultra Keyboard it has traditional keyboard or tracing keyboard or combo of both depending on landscape or portrait mode... you can customize colors and key height and also offers a customizable htc style keyboard a lot of people like and it is customizeable it not an app in market but can be found if googled or searched in the forum and is best installed using the phone to access the site IMO.
I am really liking the ultra keyboard Application

you could look at Ultra Keyboard it has traditional keyboard or tracing keyboard or combo of both depending on landscape or portrait mode... you can customize colors and key height and also offers a customizable htc style keyboard a lot of people like and it is customizeable it not an app in market but can be found if googled or searched in the forum and is best installed using the phone to access the site IMO.

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+ 1 for ultra keyboard. not sure why it was stated that its not in the market. The developer seems to listen to users as to things needed for updates.

No idea if they can or would customize a kb for you as I dont know the amount of work that it would involve but its worth asking what it would cost if you like the ultra kb
Ultra is in market...Gimpstas htc keyboard is only available from his site:)