Led by charging port?


Dec 12, 2010
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Merry Christmas all. I have a dumb question. I came from an ally, had probs with it so they sent me the droid2 and that's why u guys are stuck with me lol. They did not send me a wall charger of course, they told me to use the lg one because its universal, fine. It does charge my phone. I notice my led by the charging port lights up not all the time, what is the reason for that, should it be lit all the time. Some times it takes a few secs before it lights up sometimes it doesn't light at all. Is this normal, what is the reason, is it that lg charger?? Thanks in advance my droidlets.....have a great day

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When u first plug it in it can take a few seconds to come up. But it should stay on I would say. I have even used chargers not made for my phone and have had no issues.

<Rooted droid ally>
>> velocity 0.3 <<
>>running turbo4<<
I use a charger from some Chinese site on mine. It sometimes takes a few seconds for the light to come on, and it'll go off once it's fully charged.