Lenovo Supposedly Planning to Launch 60 Smartphones This Year, NOT Including Motorola


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Even though Lenovo is the world's fifth largest smartphone manufacturer (behind Samsung, Apple, Huawei and LG), this new report seems hard to believe. Supposedly, Lenovo plans to launch 60 smartphones within the next year's time, and that number doesn't even include any Motorola products which are launched!

Here's a quote with more of the details,

...Lenovo is planning to continue its expansion by launching a staggering 60 smartphones this year in total. Some of these devices are already in the market though, as we saw some launches back at CES and MWC. Still, if you thought that some of these 60 devices belong to Motorola, think again. Lenovo’s acquisition of Motorola has not received all the necessary government approvals, and because of this, none of these 60 devices will come from Motorola.

Keep in mind that most of Lenovo's phones are sold in China, which would explain such a hefty volume of models. For now we remain skeptical, but will keep you informed of any corroborating evidence.

Source: Pocketnow
One has to assume that they will be releasing different models or variants considered to be different models in markets across the globe.
Maybe they are getting onto the a-la-carte approach. I'm guessing most people would wait 4-8 weeks to get exactly what they want, and that would provide enough lead time to do production runs to realize some scale efficiency.

I've yet to see a phone that didn't disappoint me in at least a couple of areas.
One has to assume that they will be releasing different models or variants considered to be different models in markets across the globe.
I tend to agree.. Not uncommon for manufacturers.