Lots and lots of search history - Delete it?


Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
I use Google as my default search in my web browser. It appears that every single search I do on my PC in Google gets downloaded to my Droid as search history. I stay logged in on the Droid continually. Is there anyway to bulk clear that history on the Droid? Every time I close Firefox my search history gets cleared. That doesn't seem to be the case for the Droid browser, where the search history just keeps piling up. I can manually clear it, entry by entry. But that is a nuisance. A single clear operation would be handy. Settings | Clear history doesn't do it.
So, you're the one. I knew someone somewhere was still using the native browser. I just didn't know who. :)

Sorry, some times the kid in me just takes charge!!

Seriously, I have no direct answer to your question. Other than to try using one of the vastly superior browsers for android. I use xScope on the Droid and Dophin HD on the Nook Color tab (rooted running 950 mhz). I find both easier and much quicker to use.

Good luck and again, sorry for being a smart..... !!!
Had no idea there was anything other the browser that came on the phone. I'll check other browsers.
There's a Firefox (my browser of choice on the PC) and an Opera version too. I've never used either of them because I like the xScope too much. But as I said I use Dolphin HD on the NC and it works great too.

Good luck and enjoy.
Figured it out. Deeply buried in the Googleplex is a web history listing. Even though FF is set to clear browser search history it doesn't do it on the website. A good day. I learned something.
Figured it out. Deeply buried in the Googleplex is a web history listing. Even though FF is set to clear browser search history it doesn't do it on the website. A good day. I learned something.

Well, me too! Thanks for coming back with the real answer!! :)