Media Leak of Prime Picture

One thing to remember, if this turns out to be a nexus device, there will be no ugly Verizon logo on the front, since Google hasn't allowed carrier branding on the front of their devices since they prefer a more streamlined design. Unfortunately, if this turns out to be a Droid device, all bets are off, sadly.

Edit: After a bit of research, Google hasn't allowed carrier branding period, on any of their nexus devices. How sweet would that be to have an un-uglified nexus device on Verizon. Fingers crossed...

The whole "Passing on the GSII for exclusive "Nexus/Prime" device really has me worried though. We heard that the Prime will be on all carrier, right? Which would mean the only way to make an exclusive device would be to add more crap to it. How crappy would it be if they made this whole big deal that VZW was getting an "exclusive beefed up" version of the phone and the general public eats it up and the only real modification is branding on the phone, added bloat, and a locked boot. I get angry just thinking about it. All that plus all the GSII commercials I saw on TV this weekend while watching College Football and the Emmy's made me really sad.
The whole "Passing on the GSII for exclusive "Nexus/Prime" device really has me worried though. We heard that the Prime will be on all carrier, right? Which would mean the only way to make an exclusive device would be to add more crap to it. How crappy would it be if they made this whole big deal that VZW was getting an "exclusive beefed up" version of the phone and the general public eats it up and the only real modification is branding on the phone, added bloat, and a locked boot. I get angry just thinking about it. All that plus all the GSII commercials I saw on TV this weekend while watching College Football and the Emmy's made me really sad.

Yeah, I'm right there with you. I'm praying for nexus device, but knowing Verizon's track record, I've got a bad feeling.

There are a few scenarios which would make me a happy customer. First and foremost, this actually becomes a nexus Prime - best case scenario. Unbranded, slick design, unlocked and bloat free. Technically sound, cutting edge and every bit the phone we hoped it would be.

Second scenario. It becomes the Droid Prime and Verizon branded. If Verizon isn't plastered all over this device, or at least done in a tasteful way (I don't think they know how to do this) I would have to pass. For me, my next phone has to be technically and visually satisfying, and no Verizon phone meets those requirements. If it passes this test, then it must be easily unlocked and MUST be vanilla (No Touch Wiz). Otherwise I'm out.

Last scenario, nightmare... Droid Prime. Verizon all over it. Locked down tight. Sub-par hardware. Touch wiz. Verizon gets it first, then it's released as a Nexus a month later to all other carriers. I'm fearing this scenario, because I have no faith in Verizon and they continue to produce sup-par Android offerings when the rest of the carriers get the cutting edge. This is probably the only scenario where I change carriers, and would do so in a heartbeat. This will be my phone, one way or another, with or without Verizon.
Yeah, I'm right there with you. I'm praying for nexus device, but knowing Verizon's track record, I've got a bad feeling.

There are a few scenarios which would make me a happy customer. First and foremost, this actually becomes a nexus Prime - best case scenario. Unbranded, slick design, unlocked and bloat free. Technically sound, cutting edge and every bit the phone we hoped it would be.

Second scenario. It becomes the Droid Prime and Verizon branded. If Verizon isn't plastered all over this device, or at least done in a tasteful way (I don't think they know how to do this) I would have to pass. For me, my next phone has to be technically and visually satisfying, and no Verizon phone meets those requirements. If it passes this test, then it must be easily unlocked and MUST be vanilla (No Touch Wiz). Otherwise I'm out.

Last scenario, nightmare... Droid Prime. Verizon all over it. Locked down tight. Sub-par hardware. Touch wiz. Verizon gets it first, then it's released as a Nexus a month later to all other carriers. I'm fearing this scenario, because I have no faith in Verizon and they continue to produce sup-par Android offerings when the rest of the carriers get the cutting edge. This is probably the only scenario where I change carriers, and would do so in a heartbeat. This will be my phone, one way or another, with or without Verizon.

If it results in your jumping the VZW ship, where will you go? Sprint? If i had this eventuality, I think Sprint would be my only option because of unlimited data.
If it results in your jumping the VZW ship, where will you go? Sprint? If i had this eventuality, I think Sprint would be my only option because of unlimited data.

Honestly, I really don't care. Whoever gets the Nexus Prime will get my business. If that's Verizon, fine, but it better meet my needs. If it's released on multiple carriers I will have to weight the pros and cons of each. My gut tells me Sprint..

Best case scenario: Verizon, but I would settle for Sprint or T-mo. Worst case scenario: AT&T.
well this tom fleming guy just said something about a keyboard on twitter...if the prime has a keyboard, it's going to suck haha...
Just by virtue of the fact that "Tom Flemming" required 1000 Twitter followers to reveal his leaks makes me not take him seriously.

[witty pun concerning the current ROM and custom memory script on my device]
Just by virtue of the fact that "Tom Flemming" required 1000 Twitter followers to reveal his leaks makes me not take him seriously.

[witty pun concerning the current ROM and custom memory script on my device]

Meh, I mean people put weight in the number of their twitter followers. I wouldn't use that as the reason to mark him as not credible. I mean DF wanted everyone to retweet something in their Bionic giveaway contest, and obviously that was a way for them to get more followers. Social media is just something that's important nowadays, and this Tom guy obviously just wants followers.

All that being said, I'm not saying he is credible or not, but supposedly this Panda guy has a pretty good record when it comes to release dates, etc, and he endorsed this Tom guy, so just by that alone I'd say he's more believable then some anonymous source at 4chan who says "Samsung came to my job this morning" haha...

A keyboard on the prime would suck...i think everyone can agree on that at least.
Thanks, Oxymoron. As I said in another thread, I'm as guilty as anybody...

I don't know, I just find it hard to believe that the Prime will have a keyboard. Maybe getting mixed up with the Stratosphere? The Panda, on the other hand, is usually accurate....
All this negativity is bringing me down! Can't we just be optimistic until we actually know anything about this? I love rumors and leaks too. Maybe Verizon has learned a lesson from passing on the other Nexus phones. And the physical keyboard rumor seems to get spread on every new phone. Verizon likes having their upcoming high end phones shrouded in secrecy...

Still Rocking the OG!
All this negativity is bringing me down! Can't we just be optimistic until we actually know anything about this? I love rumors and leaks too. Maybe Verizon has learned a lesson from passing on the other Nexus phones. And the physical keyboard rumor seems to get spread on every new phone. Verizon likes having their upcoming high end phones shrouded in secrecy...

Still Rocking the OG!
I know thats rite.Im trying 2 b positive here,and hope and pray those specs r true,and plz plz plz,let it b bloat free.
Gsmarena has the same shaped device as pictured in the OP, behind a GSII. The silouette looks identical. I know that proves nothing... but figured I'd share.

Could this be the Nexus Prime hiding behind a Galaxy S II? - news

*customized tapatalk signature*

Nice. More rumors!!!! :)

Look at the phone in the reflection as well. Appears to have the same shape as the one beneath the SII. Could it be the Nexus???

How awesome would that be? Take a picture of a hidden Nexus, with an actual Nexus!
Nice. More rumors!!!! :)

Look at the phone in the reflection as well. Appears to have the same shape as the one beneath the SII. Could it be the Nexus???

How awesome would that be? Take a picture of a hidden Nexus, with an actual Nexus!

I bet if you got rid of that single hard-button and stretched the screen down there a bit you would near a 16:9 and 4.65"... just sayin'