Moto Z Battery Expands Inside the Phone


New Member
Oct 19, 2012
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My Moto Z battery just expanded within the case to the point that it cracked the screen and will not allow me to reset the screen back into the case. Since I have been using a Moto Z Mod(Mophie) auxiliary battery pack, I have had to replace two internal batteries within the last 10 months. The phone in its current condition still functions OK but is at risk of being contaminated by any foreign matter such as dust or water. My question is should I consider replacing the expanded battery once more and send the phone back to Motorola for repairs? I have searched the internet and this forum but have not found any similar problems being reported. Has anyone else had this problem? I am also considering going to a Samsung Galaxy 9 or other comparable smartphone. Any thoughts?
Which Z do you have? If it's a first gen Z I'd say time for an upgrade unless you want to buy a used Z. If you want to keep using your battery pack get a Z3. If not check out the LG G7. I just got mine about a month ago and I love it. My previous phone was a Z Droid. I switched from VZ to T-Mo and couldn't bring my Z. I traded it in on the G7. I'm a Motorola fanboy but this LG is nice. The specs on the G7 are just about the same as a S9 and slightly better than a Z3. As far as real world use goes all three phones are pretty equal. I don't think your going to see a major difference between them. I just did a non technical write up on the G7 in that forum if you want to check it out. Also YouTube has a million videos comparing the G7 and S9.
There are a few posts about swollen batteries on the Moto Forum. It happens to all phones eventually, every manufacturer has small batches of phones that have batteries swell. If you have already replaced the battery twice, I agree with might be time for a new (or gently used / or refurbished) phone. Moto's Advance Exchange program is relatively inexpensive for a refurbished phone shipped directly to you with a prepaid box for the defective phone. And....the Z2 Play is on sale for $229 brand new, which would only be a little more than the cost of repair / replacement. And the new LG is an awesome phone also, nothing wrong with it.

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Loudram, thanks for the response. I do believe it is a first generation Moto Z Droid. I purchased it in Nov-2017. Thanks for the comparisons. I am a Droid fanboy as well, and would like to stay with Motorola...maybe do an upgrade as suggested. I have also had a Galaxy S4, S7 & S7 Edge. They all had their pros and cons but right now I like the Mod add-ons that Droids have. Time for me to talk to Motorola support.

Sajo, Thanks for your response. I do agree with you that it maybe time to do an upgrade, even though I really like the Moto Z Droid I have. The Moto advance exchange program sounds like a good way to go for me. Thanks for that advice. As long as I can still use my Mophie Juice pack and keep the same SIM card, it should be a smooth transition. Now my problem is what to do without a cell phone for a week or two. AURGGH!!
If you go the Advance Exchange route the refurbished phone will be on your doorstep within 72 hours. It costs $25 extra (on top of the repair cost) but gets a new functional phone in your hands quickly. I have used it many times and it works great. Well worth the $25 in my opinion. Just pop your SIM and SD card in, turn it on and set it all up, like any other new phone. Or, pay the normal repair fee and wait a few weeks for your phone to be returned. I prefer the Advance Exchange program myself. The repair fee varies based on the type of damage / defect, but should be $150 or less in your case.

Good luck!

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