Motorola sign stuck on screen


New Member
Nov 26, 2010
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I have a Droid X, many times when I unplug my phone (which was turned off when i was charging it) from either my wall charger or my car charger the Motorola symbol will be stuck on the screen. It is just the screen that has the problem, because the phone turns on. I can hear my notification ringtone and i can feel the phone vibrate, yet there is only the Motorola symbol on the screen. When I hit the unlock/lock button on top of the phone it just turns the screen on and off. I have to constantly take the battery out wait a few minutes and try again. Sometimes it takes 3-4 tries before the Motorola sign goes away and the Droid symbol comes on and then the phone starts. Anybody have this problem? Does anyone know how to fix it?
Same problem...

I'm having the same problem. In addition, the phone seems to crash a fair amount. Requiring force closes etc.

Wondering if I've got a lemon...