

Sep 7, 2011
Reaction score
I don't understand why they keep on using the "super AMOLED"'s just no good
I went and looked at the razr hd and maxx hd today and it doesn't matter how "HD" it is its stil pixely. If anything I'm just looking at sharper looking pixels, theirs no flow to the image.
Anyway I'm just venting that idk how everyone else feels about it... The phone is really really great other wise. I just think that moto is going the cheaper route with the screen and that's really holding the phone back.
I prefer this screen over the one on the bionic... that was awful imo.
I love the HD. Just picked one up today. I've never been a fan of AMOLED either, but its getting better and I think the HD does a good job. Far better than Bionic and OG RAZR's IMHO. I'm not a fan of SUPER LCD though because of the battery drain on those things.

For not liking AMOLED, I think this display is quite nice.
I haven't seen the RAZR HD yet, but I've noticed that on phones like the MAXX, GS3, Nexus, etc. that you can clearly see the pixels. Comparing them to my low-res Thunderbolt, the Thunderbolt actually appears to have a sharper display! Now the HTC One X has an absolutely amazing screen.
i dont understand why people pay so much attention to the screen.. if youre using the phone regularly im sure you wont notice the pixels when youre trying to check your email or go on facebook.. the screens on all phones now-and-days are pretty good.. i think you guys make the screen too much of a factor when looking at phones when it isnt necessary .. thats just how i feel.
i dont understand why people pay so much attention to the screen.. if youre using the phone regularly im sure you wont notice the pixels when youre trying to check your email or go on facebook.. the screens on all phones now-and-days are pretty good.. i think you guys make the screen too much of a factor when looking at phones when it isnt necessary .. thats just how i feel.

depends on how you use your phone. a lot of people use it to read magazines, web articles, and just a lot content in general. that's when you start to notice that the screen is a huge factor. I don't do too much heavy reading on my phone, but when I did on the lower res screens you can surely tell. now when I'm just lightly using it for say emails here and there a game for a bit its not as noticeable. the heavier readers will deff notice it more.
I had the original Galaxy S Fascinate with 4" pentile 800x480 amoled screen, Razr M with pentile 960x540 amoled screen (for a week) and now ordered the Maxx HD with 1280x720 pentile amoled screen. I read allot of e-books, especially at night in bed with white letters on black background. For me nothing comes close quality-wise to amoled screen. Right now I use touchpad but it's like a giant flashlight with blacks being grey, which is true of all lcd screens. For me it was amoled or bust and I'm very happy that Motorola went with an amoled screen.

As for quality of text, you could see some pixelation up close on the fascinate, quite a bit less on the Razr M, and I'd really have to be anal and look for it to see it on the Razr HD. I don't care what you say, but I'd take an HD pentile amoled over the best HD LCD screen any day of the week and it's not even close.
I saw somewhere that google and moto were going to put out a pure google experience phone. Not until next year though. I'm kind of hoping the don't use pentile amoled though in whatever phone comes out next..but maybe that's just there thing?