Moving/Deleting "Docked" Apps from Home Screen


New Member
Sep 9, 2011
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I can use some help from anyone that has figured out how to move (perfer to delete) Docked/Stationed apps from my home screen. I don't want the Text Messaging, Browser and App Market Folders/Apps on my Home Screen. I'd perfer to delete these from the home screen but I would settle to move them to secondary screens.

When I hold down on the folder/app it turns Blue for just a couple of sceconds before the Add To Dock Screen opens. I can not figure out how to move/delete the app while it's Blue and before the Add To Dock screen opens.

By the way, I understand that these app's cannot be uninstalled.

Thanks for any suggestions
You can just go ahead and change them to what you want. Then, to add them to another screen, just long press each one in the app drawer and drag it to the screen you want.

Hope that helps
I just picked this phone up last night and I'm looking at the default home screen that has 8 Apps along the bottom. I want to move or delete these. I understand how to add and move apps/widgets. However these default home screen apps act differently.

Any other suggestions or am I not understanding what you are convaying.
I don't believe you can actually delete those apps, but you can change them to other apps if you like.

Also, I'm not sure you want your phone number in your profile in the "phone" field.
Thanks LT* for your input.

I didn't think about simply changing the Docked App's by overlaying it with a different app/widget. I thought I was only offered the apps that showed in the Add Dock Apps screen. After tinkering with it I discovered that after I add a widget or whatever app to my home screen, all I had to do was move that app/widget on top of one of the Docked App's to replace it.

Now I'm good to go.