Multimedia mode safe for long term?


New Member
Apr 1, 2010
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I'm a new Droid user - I searched the forums for an answer to this question, but it doesn't look like this has previously been discussed. I apologize if it was and I just missed it.

Is multimedia mode safe for you phone to be on for long periods of time? I am getting rid of my landline and will be using my Droid as my primary phone. So I plan to get a stand (Mikradle or ezStand) and keep it on a table my living room, charging, when I'm at home. I'll also have another stand at work so I can have it sitting on my desk near the computer.

I know that most of the stands available have magnets to put the phone on multimedia mode. I don't think I really have a need to keep it in multimedia mode, but I just want a stand that will hold up the phone and make it easy to reach when I hear it ringing (or make it easy to see the blinking LED when I've missed a call and have a voicemail or text).

My only concern is about having the screen be on constantly, possibly for several hours at a time, while the phone is plugged in and sitting in a cradle. Is there a possibility of the images being "burned" onto the screen, like computer monitors? (I know that this supposedly doesn't happen to newer monitors, but it's actually happened to my computer monitor at work, which is only a few years old. I can see remnants of the toolbars/bookmarks from my Firefox browser, even when I am in a different program.)

I know that I can stop multimedia mode by removing the magnets from these stands, but I guess I won't bother to do that if I know that multimedia mode is safe. Any comments?
Not sure about the burn-in, but if you are worried you can hit the power button to turn off the screen while it is in the dock. You will still get calls, notifications, etc.
I'm a new Droid user - I searched the forums for an answer to this question, but it doesn't look like this has previously been discussed. I apologize if it was and I just missed it.

Is multimedia mode safe for you phone to be on for long periods of time? I am getting rid of my landline and will be using my Droid as my primary phone. So I plan to get a stand (Mikradle or ezStand) and keep it on a table my living room, charging, when I'm at home. I'll also have another stand at work so I can have it sitting on my desk near the computer.

I know that most of the stands available have magnets to put the phone on multimedia mode. I don't think I really have a need to keep it in multimedia mode, but I just want a stand that will hold up the phone and make it easy to reach when I hear it ringing (or make it easy to see the blinking LED when I've missed a call and have a voicemail or text).

My only concern is about having the screen be on constantly, possibly for several hours at a time, while the phone is plugged in and sitting in a cradle. Is there a possibility of the images being "burned" onto the screen, like computer monitors? (I know that this supposedly doesn't happen to newer monitors, but it's actually happened to my computer monitor at work, which is only a few years old. I can see remnants of the toolbars/bookmarks from my Firefox browser, even when I am in a different program.)

I know that I can stop multimedia mode by removing the magnets from these stands, but I guess I won't bother to do that if I know that multimedia mode is safe. Any comments?

The screen is based on LCD technology and can NOT burn in. Burn in happens on CRT based monitors due to the phosphor that is on the front inside of the screen to help bend the light rays that are sent in the tube. The phosphor can get "etched" by an image that remains constant over time.

There has also been issues with older Plasma based televisions. This has been mostly eliminated by pixel shifting that keeps the picture from remaining in one static location even if the actual image is static.

Hope this helps with your question. I can't tell you if there might be other issues created from leaving the screen active (shortened life of the LCD, or other issue), but I have mine in a Motorola multi-media dock almost constantly at home and the office.
Multimedia is NO issue when left for long periods of time!


Have no fear of burn in - this is not a problem with these screens. I can say that my Droid sits in a MIKRADLE, every day and night - leaving it only during travel to and from work, etc.

It's also not necessary to remove the magnet. Switching back to your home screen rather than multimedia mode is a simple as tapping the icon. This is my preferred screen at work, but in the evening I do leave the multimedia mode induced (on my coffee table MIKRADLE) - I usually listen to my songs (which play through a pair of powered Bose speakers). Then when settling down for bed - another MIKRADLE, on my night table keeps it in the multimedia mode for use as my alarm clock. Any incoming calls will immediately override the multimedia mode automatically.

Any more questions - just post away! :) We're all happy to oblige you with the answers you seek! :) mike
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My Droid running Cyanogen goes into screensaver mode when in multimedia mode for a while. The clock numbers move around to various positions to prevent screen damage.