"music" app artist list


Apr 1, 2012
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After many searches, i only found one other person who had this problem and no solution was found. Maybe no-one has seen this or maybe it doesn't bother anyone, but i thought I'd give it a shot here. In my music player, when i list the artist names, out goes from a to z with about half the artists listed. After Z, it starts over again with A and continues to Z with the other half. In some cases the same artist is listed in both places and in the top letter when you click in an album it will say, for example, 2 songs of ten. Then when you go through the list until you see the artist listed again and click on the same album it will show the final 8 of ten songs. Sorry for this being long winded and not very clear. Don't know why this bothers me so much, but it does and a solution would be very appreciated. Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom.

there is no spoon
Sorry, no one answered your concern. Maybe we need to know what music app you use. I use the Play Music with orange headphones icon that interfaces with Google Play and streams my music to my phone. Because each mp3 file contains the data for the song, such as name, artist, genre, etc...Maybe your files need to be edited to correct the data contained within each mp3 file?
I just use the music app for the g2, the one that comes with it. The list is just by artist name. Like i said, even the same album can be split up between the first let's say "c" section with the rest of the songs being listed After scrolling through all the way past z where it starts at a again. The songs were downloaded art the same time from the same album. Like i said, listed by artist name.

there is no spoon

there is no spoon

Lmao ok i know I'm months late here but I just read this and that last post with the screenshot with the app circled along with the "there are no spoons" in the signature below cracked me up... No clue why.

Did you ever fix what was up? I use PowerAmp but re-enable Music and looked and all my artist names appear correctly. I'm sure you're over the issue but still I had to smile
It is fixed. It wasn't something i did so don't know what the problem was it fixed itself after months. No clue what the deal was. Signature is a line from the matrix

there is no spoon