My review: 3 hard cases for Droid X

Just to keep it all centralized, I decided to add my review of the Otterbox Commuter case for my Droid X to this thread. I've had over a week of use and testing this case so this will be more in depth then my other reviews.

Otterbox Commuter Droid X case $35 via web

So after a long wait for shipping and the nice 10% discount code I managed to find here, I at long last got the renowned Commuter case from Otterbox. After going through three other cases, lets see if otterbox can do it all

It comes in two main pieces along with the screen protector to put on seperately. The backing and side is case a hard polycarbonate plastic which feels pretty dang tough all around. You'd have to try pretty hard to break this thing.

Surrounding the Droid X is a very soft and quality feeling silicon, some of the best i've ever come across. It has a very smooth texture and doesn't attach to dirt and lint as bad as you would think. This is the shock absorption part of the otterbox case and surrounds 98% of the phones surface, protecting it from almost any type of physical trauma.


Its a simple matter of sliding the phone bottom first into the black silicon and then gently stretching the rest around the Droid X. The silicon grabs the phone pretty well despite it being so slick. I think the combination of the Droid X textured aluminum surface and the silicon wrap work very well together.

After that, the covered phone slide into the hard casing, top first and then gently easing in the sides, stretching here and there to get the buttons and port cover through.

I neglected to take pictures of the otterbox screen protector install. Needless to say, its SOOOOO Much easier then then the stupid ZAGG install. No water cleaner, bubbles or wet mess. Just simply clean the screen completely with the the included cleaning rag, then gently and evenly apply screen protector. One done, squeege out any air bubbles and remove the final outer layer. Done! Here's a great vid on this procedure.


Unlike the previous cases, the commuter covers the entire front of the phone, right up to the screen itself. The buttons do not allow for the backlighting to come through which is somewhat an annoyance at times. It also takes a bit more firm of a "push" with the silicon button covers then before


The Droid X is well protected all around. The hard and silicon casing fit snuggly together and don't feel like they will loosen apart over time and use as I had no such issues carrying mine around since getting it and even a few light drops. The case also adds very little bulk and weight to the phone.


The headphone jack cover works and stays put very well, never getting in the way unless you use the headphone jack a lot which I don't. The power button cover feels good and solid.


The camera and volume buttons feel snug and are easy to find and push.


The HDMI/charge port cover is really the only minor gripe of the case. You somewhat have to fiddle with it to get it to stay inside the ports and its pretty easy to rub open using the phone or taking it out of the pocket. I may do some slight trimming of the outside to minimize this.



1. Top quality polycarbonate cover and silicon wrapping
2. Screen protector a breeze to install and works well
3. Easy install/removal
4. Case stays together well with no sign of loosening even after small drops
5. Buttons protected and easily used
6. All ports protected from debris
7. Doesn't attract much dust/lint
8. Nearly entire phone is protected all around
9. Lightweight and non bulky
10. Easily removable from pockets on a variety of fabrics


1. HDMI/Charge port cove gets annoying to insert continually due to it easily being opened during regular phone use.
2. Covered silicon home buttons require more force to press and do not allowing backlighting
3. Silicon will eventually dirty/dusty after awhile

Final rating: 4.5 out of 5 dancing droids! dancedroiddancedroiddancedroiddancedroid 1/2

All in all, I finally found the perfect Droid X case to protect my expensive little Droid X! The case feels great all around, protects the entire phone and the port cover is really the only annoyance. This is definentely the case this droid was looking for! dancedroid
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Thanks man. I already have one coming my way but I am happy to see that you like this case. I bought a trident kraken for my dad but I wanted something a bit more slick for myself. Good review.
this forum is the best!!

I bought the snap on BodyGlove case about 2 weeks ago..
Prior to the bodyglove i had the case holster from Verizon.. the case broke after 3 months..

so back to the bodyglove, everyone who has one, told me to get first I was a little concerned because it made the phone even big then it was, but after a day or so, i loved it.. the best part is how it just grabs your hand!!

Notice today that it is starting to wear out around the edges..
Is that normal after 2 weeks? all i do it put the phone in my pocket, no abuse...
I bought a Trident Kraken - very tough and durable 3 part case but it is enormous and the rubber outer shell makes it tough to get in/ out of shirt/ jacket/ pants pockets.

I used the Kraken for a month before the size of it started to bother me.

I then moved to an Otterbox Commuter, while not as hefty as the Kraken has held up very well. Its slim enough to get in/ out of my pockets. Its a 2 part case, inner shell is rubber with a poly outer case.