Native USB Tether on Bionic


Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
San Diego
Didnt see a thread on this, but has anyone tried the native USB tethering on the phone?

Im posting from it right now.. hopefully I dont get charged lol. I connected the phone via USB to my computer. Went to Settings > Wireless and Networks > Tethering and Mobile Hotspot > USB Tethering. I checked the USB Tethering, it installed some Drivers on the computer and now Im on the Internets!

Decent speeds too..

It didnt give me any warnings that say, "WARNING: THIS COST EXTRA" or anything like that.
Works great for me. I don't think there is a fee to use it either. I have a friend with an EVO that does it all the time and has never had to pay for it. Different carriers I know, but I'd assume if anyone was going to charge for it, then everyone would. At least I hope.
Well, at least now we know what the first feature VZW will remove from our next OS upgrade is.

Awesome find, though.