Need help making a flashable .zip


Jul 5, 2010
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I currently have custom sounds for my lock screen (on / off), key presses (keystroke, spacebar, etc.) and low battery.
Due to constantly flashing nightly builds I'm getting tired of replaying the sounds each time from root explorer.
I was wondering how easy it would be to make a flashable zip file with the sounds I wanted that could be flashed each time I updated my rom version.
Thanks for anyone willing to help me!

Don't get in here and tell me to "google it bro" because I've read 2 different guides on the subject and the zips I've produced from said guides just fail when I attempt to flash in recovery.
There are blank/empty files ready for you to just place whatever you want into them, but I don't recall where I saw them or where I put them on my PC (not the most organized person in the world). The easiest way to do this without the template files would be to make an from something you have already flashed, ROM, theme, GApps... Take everything out of it, and just put the files you want in it (in their correct spots of course).

Be aware that some developers do have a different scripting in their files, say stuff by DroidTheory for example. He has a wipe script built into some of his stuff, so you may not want to use one of his files.
I would kind of like to know how to do it from scratch.
I'm having trouble with the update-script coding.
If I understood it a little better I'm sure it would be plenty easy.
I would also like to include my boot image / boot audio in the package now tool.
After my zip is done I'll upload it for everyone to download, it is essentially a Star Trek TNG theme with Lcars elements.