Need skin to hide/disable camera, odd huh?


New Member
Nov 21, 2009
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So I realize this may be somewhat of an odd request, but here it goes....

I got the Droid when it came out and really love it. Problem is, I got a new job. No cameras are allowed at my new job, and that includes cameras on phones. Lots of people either ignore the rule and just bring their phones to work, but I don't want to have my Droid confiscated or possibly lose my job.

So the safest thing to do is leave my Droid home. :mad: Or possibly disable my camera somehow.

Is there a case/skin out there that would either cover over the camera lens, or give me extra material that I could put over the camera lens (allowing me to remove it without ruining the lens?

I thought about a piece of electricians tape over the lens to hide it, but that will leave stickiness when/if I ever take it off.

Yeah, I know, just leave it home.....well whats the sense in owning one then.
if you root your droid you can just delete or change the name of the camera in the system and voila! gone :D

EDIT: OR!! you can use the home replacement called pandahome. it has a feature to hide apps in the app drawer.
painter's tape underneath a case. may not be pretty, but it'll do the job
I thought about a piece of electricians tape over the lens to hide it, but that will leave stickiness when/if I ever take it off.

Yes but nothing a little goo gone wouldn't remove. Nothing permanent at least.
Not sure where your working, but the security I know of with a 'no camera' rule, just covering it is not ok. If a device has a camera it is not allowed, working or not.