Need some help with a friends bricked droid 2

okay do i flash the one from megaupload first? and i downloaded the thing from rootzwiki moto bomb and i cant figure out how to use that at all.. i followed the instructions and put in the password and it opened but i cant find the sbf file within it
okay nevermind i found both sbf files within the rootzwiki moto bomb thing and have them on my desktop ready to flash so can i just use those and flash in the order it says or do i need to use the one from megaupload that you posted?
sprecovery does not work with the droid 2 btw you have to use koushs bootstrap method. Which involves a lot of lines of code. It requires ADB
YOU ARE THE MAN!!... used the instructions step by step and it is up and running beautifully.. I'm not going the further step and re-rooting it.. the owner can do that if he wants to play around with it again lol.. thanks so much man
YOU ARE THE MAN!!... used the instructions step by step and it is up and running beautifully.. I'm not going the further step and re-rooting it.. the owner can do that if he wants to play around with it again lol.. thanks so much man

If the D2 is in working condition again, if your friend decides to re-root the phone.. Point him here -

After rooting download D2 Bootstrapper, it's an absolute MUST. (Worth the 2.99$) And Bootstrap with that.

As for OverClocking, JRummy's OC App is currently working for my D2, I'd use that to OC because of the many options it provides. (0.99$)

And snagging and copy of SetCPU wouldn't hurt either! (2.99$)?

Goodluck to you and your friend! Cheers!