No data connection after Wifi


New Member
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
Long Island NY
I did a search but didn't find any threads for this but I can't believe I'm the first one to screw this up.If there are threads I apologize for duplicating.

I have no data connection. The phone works. but the browser doesn't, nor apps that have to access the internet.
It worked before I enabled wifi. I enabled wifi at my Moms house and then when I left I could no longer get the browser to work. I disabled Wifi but it still doesn't work. I have a feeling this is simple and feel like a dork but I can't figure it out

How do I access the internet via 3g again?


I did a search but didn't find any threads for this but I can't believe I'm the first one to screw this up.If there are threads I apologize for duplicating.

I have no data connection. The phone works. but the browser doesn't, nor apps that have to access the internet.
It worked before I enabled wifi. I enabled wifi at my Moms house and then when I left I could no longer get the browser to work. I disabled Wifi but it still doesn't work. I have a feeling this is simple and feel like a dork but I can't figure it out

How do I access the internet via 3g again?



Try resetting the phone (turn off/on) and see if it doesn't come back. If that doesn't work then try a battery pull for a full minute to make sure the capacitors discharge. You should get 3G as soon as wifi is disconnected.
Thanks Hookbill,
Removing the battery worked.
Don't know why it happened but if it happens again I know what to do
Thanks again
it seems to happen to me a lot if i use wifi plus the media dock... usually just on and off solves it for me... or better yet airplane mode on/off
Turning WiFi off works for me. For some reason, I need to periodically turn off WiFi when things get gummed up. Mostly no problem but every now and then I'll have to do it.