No more Film Cameras from Canon

me just sayin

Diamond Member
Jun 7, 2017
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Canon got out of the film camera business. Too bad, they made great cameras over the years but I guess it just cannot compete against digital cameras.

My first camera was a Canon AE1. Bought it in 1978 and finally gave it away a few years ago. Should have kept it.

it’s the end of yet another tech era. Though, granted, this one’s been been death rattling for nearly a decade now. Canon this week announced with no fanfare that it’s sold its last film camera

Canon has sold its last film camera
MJS, What no AE1 program? Cheapskate. Me I got the A1, power winder, and a bunch of lenses, still have them. Light years ahead of its time. I haven't tried to buy film in eons. Isn't Fuji the only people that still make film?
I had the AE1 as well. Traded it in 12 years ago for a Canon EOS 5D. Digital is so much easier, and has improved tremendously over the years. Getting tougher and tougher to be a film shooter these days.

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I still don't have a dedicated digital camera. I've gifted bunches of them, but never felt the need to own one. The phone ones work well enough for me. The Razor V3 was my first phone camera IIRC.
I use my phone way more than my Canon. But I have a Canon 100-400 zoom lens, that makes for great closeup shots of the backyard birds. My phone can't handle that, yet.

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I still don't have a dedicated digital camera. I've gifted bunches of them, but never felt the need to own one. The phone ones work well enough for me. The Razor V3 was my first phone camera IIRC.

same here. the phone is good enough for my current usage and it is always with me.