OnePlus One Banned in India


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

OnePlus is now banned from selling their devices in India. This was caused by a deal made between Cyanogen and Micromax to exclusively sell devices in that country. Here's a quote with more of the details,

Here’s the deal: yesterday, a New Delhi court banned OnePlus from selling its One smartphone in India, at the request of local manufacturer Micromax. The reason? Micromax has an exclusive deal with Cyanogen that prevents any other company from selling Cyanogen-powered devices in India, including OnePlus.

OnePlus, of course, has a global licensing deal with Cyanogen, but the Micromax agreement supersedes it.

The court allowed OnePlus to clear its existing stock of Cyanogen-running One’s. The phone is still available at the moment of this writing (invite required) on Amazon, OnePlus’ exclusive retail channel in India.

OnePlus is banned from shipping any devices running Cyanogen in India, but it can still ship the OnePlus One with different software onboard. However, there’s no official info on when could that happen.

It looks like OnePlus continues to be hounded by various odd issues, from legal trouble to production issues, to licensing hiccups and more. The scrappy company is forging ahead though, and it will be interesting to see how they weather these stumbling blocks.
You can seriously just cut deals so certain products can't be sold in other countries? Well okay then...
This is a non-issue since they are running with their color os in the next phone anyways.