Pandora & DX2.2


New Member
Jul 23, 2010
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I've searched to no avail, but I'm sure it's been discussed before. If someone can link me to the correct answer (or share some knowledge), that would be great.

Pandora is constantly "having unexpected technical difficulties." The end result is that my 3G connections is constantly being used, while Pandora sits in a loop and keeps displaying the error message. This drains my battery pretty quickly if I don't catch it.

ATK cannot kill Pandora when this happens, however going through the Preferences --> Applications --> Running Services does effectively kill it, and stops the 3G from constantly running for this app. However killing the app in this manner does not fix the problem, since as soon as I run Pandora again the same problems recurs.

If I turn off my DX completely and re-boot, this generally solves the problem, at least for a few hours.

Any thoughts on why this is happening, and particularly how to fix it?

I have the same issue with Pandora and Rhapsody loosing playback abilitities and receive the same error. It looses the ability to play music (in my case through bluetooth audio). The only way to clear it and start playing music again is to do a reset of the phone.