Password Dialing


New Member
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Central New Jersey
I saw a FAQ about using commas to get IDs and Passwords to be entered. I can't get it to work. Maybe my system is different?

I'm trying to access a Conference Bridge. After dialing into the bridge I'm asked to enter an access code followed by the "#" sign. Based on that other FAQ, I entered this as the ## in CONTACTS....

800-377-0237,,,,12345#. It's a long "welcome" message, so maybe I need a whole lot more commas? Please help!:icon_eek:
As far as I have read on the forums this is only done with your voicemail password. I am not sure it will work with a conference call password.
I got it to work!

Thanks for replying. After several attempts and playing with different options, I found a keystroke sequence that works.

The conference bridge that we use has a long "welcome" message. The "*" will interrupt that message and allow the user to enter the access code. So, I added enough pauses to get me through the connect and part of the welcome message, then the "*" was sent and then the code. Voila!


So depending on the system, this might work elsewhere. :icon_ banana: