Phone is starting to lag


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Jan 16, 2012
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Droid Turbo 2
Its odd. It happens when the phone is on for a few hours. I've booted into safe mode, gone through my apps one by one, and that took no time at all being as I have four apps on my phone that it didn't come pre loaded with, and they're all from the play store/market. Its doesn't appear to be an app issue.

I use the stock manager, no task killers...its strange, when I first turn the phone on, its fast and snappy... or as fast and snappy as its been since the last ota... after a few hours, the phone gets slow and unresponsive to the touch. I literally have to tap home four or five times to get it to respond. Not just home but any of the touch buttons.... however the screen stays somewhat responsive.

The issue cones and goes, like a lag. Oddly I have tons of free memory everywhere on this thing.... starting to ponder the bad egg theory....


sent from my RAZR MAXX
I have done several factory resets.... I'm stock all the way.

Also I shut my phone off every night to charge, then power it back up in the morning.

I've looked into the possibility of having a bunch of background clutter being the cause... that's not the issue... I'm reasonably sure.

sent from my RAZR MAXX
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I have done several factory resets.... I'm stock all the way.

Also I shut my phone off every night to charge, then power it back up in the morning.

I've looked into the possibility of having a bunch of background clutter being the cause... that's not the issue... I'm reasonably sure.

sent from my RAZR MAXX

Well you've done plenty of good troubleshooting, and you practice safe battery charging so, I'm not sure exactly what the problem could be, not to say that the battery coulda been causing it to begin with.

Besides the 4 apps you have installed, what other services do you subscribe to such as facebook or similar? Also, do you use the email clients that are built in or are you using a third party email client, and if so do you have large email collections?

I'm thinking what may be tying you up is a collection of data it's building up in the phone after each restore. Things such as large inboxes, or large collection of facebook friends stored up being accessed and collected, can cause the operating system to slow down even though it may look like it's not being stored in large amounts.

With each factory restore, you're obviously wiping out all the background data as well, and simply starting with a completely fresh and new slate it may run real fast. Then as it starts to replenish the data it would slow down. It's just a theory but I've got nothing else at the moment.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk
I do run Facebook, but that's it. and I have around 700 friends but don't allow them to sync with my phone. And I clear the cache constantly...

as for email I only use my gmail account, and I'm a bit of a freak when it comes to keeping my spam and trash empty... I keep my inbox to 15 or less and archive all important email to yet another email.
I think I may have found a possible culprit. One of the 4 apps I did have was audio speed changer.... I use it for listening to complex parts in songs I need to learn or teach.... I un-installed it and it made a difference..... odd because I always kept it unloaded and with no songs or library list.....

I'll keep you informed, and Thanx for the help Fox... your a gentleman and a scholar...

sent from my RAZR MAXX
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I'm encountering the same issue. Phone slows down after ruining for a few hours. Clearing history seems to help and using Fast Reboot helps. But it's really a pain to see this issue especially with a phone as nice as this. Not sure if other model of phones observe this issue. I haven't heard any complaints from friends using the Samsung Galaxy Note or S2.
So it's really frustrating for me whenever myp phone decides to act up.
Have you tried wiping dalvik cache? I've found that sometimes gives me a quick boost. I also avoid the stock launcher as it seems to slow over time (because it's not updated regularly perhaps?). A third party launcher kept me running fairly smooth. And I noticed fewer crashes on my Droid Incredible.

From my Eris (rooted 2.1) using Droid Forums
I agree with the fast boot app. It's quick to do, and can help speed it up.

Give Friendcaster a try over the official facebook app. The official one has been known to cause trouble on this level.

I'd also give a task MANAGER a try. It can maybe give some insight on an app using up too much resources.
TheDroidURLookinFor said:
Facebook...It's always facebook. lol :p

Haha! Well I can't argue with that. Facebook always causes problems for me too. I stared using Flipboard to connect to facebook, plus it enabled me to cross-share between Google+ and facebook. It also has a much smaller footprint.

From my Eris (rooted 2.1) using Droid Forums
I'm about to be in a food coma (mmm buffet), so my apologies if you did this already. Have you tried hard resetting and not putting those apps on (the 4), and at the same time using a New sd card (pre fdr)?

Googorola MAXX
Haha! Well I can't argue with that. Facebook always causes problems for me too. I stared using Flipboard to connect to facebook, plus it enabled me to cross-share between Google+ and facebook. It also has a much smaller footprint.

From my Eris (rooted 2.1) using Droid Forums
I'll see your not using facebook and raise you a disable facebook. Uno!!! lol
I run Facebook and Netflix apps. I guess the Netflix app and all the contacts on my Facebook combined do cause lagging. I rebooted my phone several times but I guess once I delete those apps...especially Netflix, I would be good to go...Hopefully. I also need to get a better memory card. I am looking to get a 16 bit card.
TheDroidURLookinFor said:
I'll see your not using facebook and raise you a disable facebook. Uno!!! lol

Haha! Well I have considered deleting it now I have root! I wonder though...if I do that and then reinstall will facebook allow me to move it to the SD card? That would be awesome!

From my Eris (rooted 2.1) using Droid Forums
So, OP... Solved your lag problems?
Sorry, was tied up with work and didn't have the time to post.

For my case, it seems that some apps are causing the phone to slow down. I uninstalled them (in essence did an app clean up by removing unused apps). The phone is running quite snappily now. Just like after a clean reboot.

I think by uninstalling your corporate email account it helps too. Seems to me the additional permissions needed somehow slows down the phone. Not sure if it's because of some security watchdog running in the background.