Planning on getting a D3, got a couple questions though

I am planning to buy a full retail droid 3 from verizon online and get it shipped to my cousin in New York. I live in India and so will have to buy the unlock code to make it work here.
Since actual droid users are active in this forum, I feel this is the best place to place my queries before i take the plunge.
Some of them are :-

1) The battery life is one of the aspects that droid 3 users seem to complain the most about, does it vary greatly with individual pieces ? Like,whether I get a good piece or a bad one,is that left to chance ?
(I wont be having any opportunity to get it replaced)

2) A lot of user reviews on cnnet and other sites claim the problem of random rebooting and heating up of the battery compartment, insights into this ?

Help would be greatly appreciated !
I am planning to buy a full retail droid 3 from verizon online and get it shipped to my cousin in New York. I live in India and so will have to buy the unlock code to make it work here.
Since actual droid users are active in this forum, I feel this is the best place to place my queries before i take the plunge.
Some of them are :-

1) The battery life is one of the aspects that droid 3 users seem to complain the most about, does it vary greatly with individual pieces ? Like,whether I get a good piece or a bad one,is that left to chance ?
(I wont be having any opportunity to get it replaced)

2) A lot of user reviews on cnnet and other sites claim the problem of random rebooting and heating up of the battery compartment, insights into this ?

Help would be greatly appreciated !

I've been happy with my phone's battery life, but what's acceptable and what isn't is largely a subjective matter. I can get over 12 hours on a charge with my normal useage pattern (internet, some music, email, some texts, a phone call here and there), but I always charge my phone at night so it'll be ready for the next day. I can't tell you how many hours I can go before it's dead, but my old D2G couldn't make it more than 10. If I'm down to 50-60% battery after 12 hours, I'd estimate that I could go another 12 with the same usage pattern, but that's jonly an estimate.

Unfortunately, there's really no way to determine whether or not your phone will ship with a decent battery. You may want to order an extended battery to play it safe.

I've experienced two random reboots in 3 months, which is no big deal. I've never owned a phone that didn't randomly reboot (except for basic flip phones). No problem at all with excessive heat, either. This phone has worked very well for me, but I think it's always a crap shoot, no matter what phone you buy.

Honestly, if you want a global phone to unlock, that will probably not have the aforementioned flaws, you'd be better off with the Verizon Escapade. No, I'm not recommending it, but it's a flip phone with very basic features. If you want the Android experience, you will be running more of a risk.

I recommend the Droid 3 and believe you're more likely to end up with a phone that works well, but there are no guarantees.

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