PokeMon GO Updated To V0.39.0


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Oct 6, 2011
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Niantic is constantly tweaking and perfecting Pokemon Go for those of you still playing this viral game. Unfortunately the update sees no major changes. Niantic has decided to bring back the feature that shows you the location where your pokemon was caught. The PokeMon Go Plus accessory can now be used to catch pokemon when incense has been used. Other than those two changes there are a few minor bug fixes. The location feature was present in earlier builds and included a map showing the coordinates of where the pokemon was caught. That feature was removed as it was broken. The feature returns however now it is just a line of text showing the city and state in which the pokemon was caught. This information won't show you how to get back to the location to catch other spawning pokemon though.

Download the update here
Seems like this could've probably gone into one of the 37 Pokemon threads already open, since there are no major changes.

S5 tap'n

Right? What's with the Pokemon news stories? What level are you DMX? :D
so they added a feature that they previously removed? and that's news? I'm with @cr6

Not only that, but they didn't even bring back the map image; it just says "City, State, Country" at the bottom. And it's amusingly buggy- I have some Pokemon claiming to have been caught a state over from me, and on Pokemon that the app can't find a City name for, it keeps the comma there so it looks like " , State, Country".

That last one is something a student in a beginner's programming class would be able to implement lol.