question about an app


Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
I was looking at the launcher pro icons in the app market under paid themes. In the pictures for the download it shows a battery percentage in the battery in status bar. Does anyone know what app that is? As well as is there a way to customize your status bar, color, etc, without being rooted?
if youre talking about the actual battery icon, thats not an app. thats probably a 2.2 ROM having it built in (im pretty sure you cant get it without it being rooted)
battery indicator works, but It uses its own patter thing in the notification bar
So has 2.2 been officialy released or no?
haha well what he said -sarcasm

never hurts to search a WIDELY posted topic
I forgot to put a smile in there to show it was supposed to be humor, even if it wasn't very funny. Sorry folks! No offense intended and fixing the smile issue now.