Question for those who have owned D1 & Incredible


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
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Is there really that much difference in the two phones? I have the opportunity to upgrade but I'm not sure the expense outweights the advantages of the Incredible. I've been pretty satisfied with the D1 but I'd like the opinion of those who have owned both...pros, cons, etc. Thanks in advance.
DI runs very well out the box without rooting IMO...Never ran one rooted.
The original Droid needs to be rooted IMO to be the device it should.
Is there really that much difference in the two phones? I have the opportunity to upgrade but I'm not sure the expense outweights the advantages of the Incredible. I've been pretty satisfied with the D1 but I'd like the opinion of those who have owned both...pros, cons, etc. Thanks in advance.

Between the Original Droid, and the HTC Incredible? BIG differences! The D1 is easy to root (so is the Incredible, for that matter), but right out of the box, the D1's user interface is acceptable. The Incredible, on the other had, has an AWFUL user interface, and rooting it (and getting rid of Sense UI) is the first order of business.

The Incredible seems faster than the Droid1, perhaps because of the different processor used, but you can overclock the Droid more easily, and achieve much the same speed. There are many more roms and themes for the D1, so that gives it an advantage over the Incredible. The Droid is also heavier than the Incredible, and if you carry the phone in your pocket, as I do, the D1 is much more bulky.

The Incredible is a fine phone - I own one, and I really like it - but the D1 will always have a special place in my heart, because it was my first smart phone, and introduced me to the android OS.

I actually just transitioned from a Droid 1 to a Droid Incredible (not an upgrade though, it was a replacement after many failed D1 replacements). I never rooted my D1 so this comparison is strictly from my experiences with the stock phones

Pros of Inc:
-Faster processor, everything is quick and responsive
-Very smooth UI. I really like HTC's Sense UI and Widgets.
-8MP camera instead of 5MP. Camera is also faster.
-Slimmer form factor
-8GB Internal memory in addition to SD Card, for a possible total for 40GB.

Basically, everything just runs smooth and quicker. There is no lag between switching apps or returning to home. HTC's Sense UI is very well polished and includes some great widgets (but I guess thats subjective based on the above post).

-Notification LED. Color cannot be customized (only red or green) and it is significantly less bright and harder to see than on the Droid 1.
-Phone vibration is weaker. Probably due to the slim, plastic body vs the heavier, metal droid.
-Battery life is worse, but thats subjective of your use.
-Phone feels a little cheaper because its plastic.
-Known to have random reboots. Mine has done it once so far in the week I've had the phone.
-No physical keyboard (though for me, this is a Pro since I never used mine on the D1)

Overall, the Inc is definitely better than the Droid, however I don't know if it's worth using your upgrade right now. Its almost 6 months old already, and with smartphones advancing as quickly as they are now, there should be some nice phones coming out in Q4/Q1. And if you're open to rooting, you can probably overclock your Droid enough to be comparable with the Inc's speed.
Good point Detonation about waiting for the next big thing in smart phones. Thanks.
UltraDroid, can you recommend a good tutorial on how to root and overclock my D1? Thanks.
Detonation is spot on.

I had a D1 and now a Dinc. I feel the Dinc is a just a better phone. In fact, I posted a question in this forum this morning that out of the box, I'm not really feeling the compelling need to root the Dinc whereas the D1 is almost useless without considerable tweaks.
The DInc was a real performer out of the box. It was smooth and responsive and really takes advantage of 3G speeds regarding web browsing. Even when my D1 was OC to P3's 1Ghz ULV, it never felt as smooth as the DInc OEM.

I, personally, prefer the vanilla OS. I hated the Sense UI and the track pad is kinda annoying to me.

Both are easy, but finding everything you need is scattered around the interweb. There's a few good wiki's, but they are not all inclusive. Maybe that's a good thing because it forces the user to really dig for info before even attempting to root.

D1 hands down. The Incredible's battery is not so incredible. I'll consider it lucky to get 5hrs under heavy phone/text/data usage.

The DInc is definitely lighter and feels better in my pocket, but it does feel cheap compared to the D1. I do miss the pkb, but that's subjective.

ROM Support:
D1 clearly has the upper hand on this, but there are a few real good ones out there and they are slowly emerging for the DInc, both Vanilla and Sense ROMs. Although the sense roms are more "complete" as of this writing.

I miss being able to dock my DInc. There are no landscape docks available for the DInc that works the same way as the media dock for the D1.
had droid 1 then went to the incredible. the incredible really set the standards for me as far as what a phone should do and feel/look like.

have since moved to the samsung fascinate and im really impressed with that phone as well.