[RECOVERY] Razr Bootstrap Recovery *updated 2/8/12

Maybe needs updates to deal with 173? V1 worked well, I kinda recall, until 748. V2 theoretically dealt with that. Man, if Motor and Google want folks to stick around, maybe they'd do well to have a truly open source program, and not close off sh!t every update!

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FoxKat said:
Having some difficulty. RazrBootstrapper used to work on earlier 2.3.5, but now when I install and choose Bootstrap Recovery it doesn't boot into bootstrapper every time like it used to and like CWM used to. The only time it will boot into recovery is when I select Reboot Recovery.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled. Root is fine, so I don't know why it won't work. Any help here? :frown:

FoxKat how did you uninstall bootstrap? I used matts utility 1.8 to install but i meant to install safestrap as i hear it is better for installing custom roms..