RAZR HD vs MAXX HD when the difference is $20 bucks.


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Sep 23, 2011
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Hello! I love my trusty, now "old" DROID 3, but I am planning to upgrade pretty soon... maybe within hours, since Amazon is allowing me to upgrade now despite my date being really May the 22nd. I love the physical keyboard, but there's not any great phone out there anymore (no offense to anyone) with a keyboard (wouldn't get the DROID 4 or Stratosphere II). So I have been playing around with the current phones, and the ones that have been more realistic for my budget-which us uber tight at the moment-are the RAZR M, the white RAZR HD, and RAZR MAXX HD. I like all of them, my preference being for the white HD, the M, and lastly, the MAXX HD (for budget and weight/bulk considerations-I know the MAXX HD is better than the HD, at least in paper-theory.)

Since I am able to find the HD for what I consider to be a good price ($49.99 at Amazon), I am almost going with that. However, the MAXX HD is not much more expensive, at $69.99. HOWEVER... aesthetics and feel are so important to me, never mind my budget, in which even $5 dollars make quite a difference. I know it seems as if I already made up my mind about this, but does anyone actually like their HD over the MAXX HD more, despite the superior "firepower" (I know, it's identical minus the battery and higher internal storage) of the MAXX? And does anyone still like their HD, if you still have it?

As discussed on another thread, I also "had" the option of the "free" DROID DNA, but the special offer Verizon coupon ENDS on the 21st, and Verizon is being stubborn in not allowing me to renew my contract before the 22nd (that IS silly, but that's what happens when you let the letter of the law rule against common sense.) However, it may end up being in my favor, since for my taste, the white HD DOES look better, and feels better in the hand, despite the worse specs and inferior camera (plus the HD battery life is so much better anyway).

In short (and please be nice, haha!) is it so wrong for me to want the white HD even though I could get a slightly uglier-but better-phone for $20 bucks more?

By the time anyone answers, I may have already decided, but still, I am always curious to hear more users share their RAZR HD love/hate stories. Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend. :)
It sounds like you should go with the White HD. #1 you said aesthetics are very important to you, and therefore you'd probably never quite feel satisfied with the Maxx HD's looks (especially since it's not available in white). #2 slap a micro-sd in the HD to add some storage. #3 the HD still gets excellent battery life, it's just more of a half marathon runner, vs. the full marathon of the Maxx HD. Heck that's probably too strong - it's more of a 2/3 marathon runner... ;) You get the point!

If aesthetics are that important to you, the "increase" in the Maxx HD over the HD probably won't be enough for you to get over the looks, feel, etc.
And of course it's not wrong, you gotta buy what works best for you! And there's nothing wrong with appreciating design.
Indeed, I agree! Much of the Droid 3's charm for me was that it felt so great in my hand, even though everybody else seemed to hate it. :p I believe I am going to order the white HD right now. It loos "pretty" in white, and having a slickness to it that the other models lack-I should go for what feels best and works for me, rather than what I may be "supposed to do." :)

I hope to enjoy it for many months to come!
I LOVE the White HD. A guy at work teases me because White is "for girls"... OK. Tell that to the Apple Heads.
I went through the same dilemma.
I decided on the HD for the exact reason you are talking about. I wanted slim and light as I could get.
So I ordered the HD and the MAXX at the same time. HD for me, Maxx for one of my bosses.
Let me tell you: when you hold them in your hand together it is HARD to tell which is which. Seriously. The Maxx is NOT much bigger AT ALL. and just a sliver heavier.
I really love the White. At night when the LED is blinking it reflects of the white bezel and the entire thing seems to glow. It's really neat.
But.... if I play with my phone a lot it it STILL WILL NOT MAKE IT THROUGH A FULL DAY. Everyone says the battery life is great. And it doesn't suck. But great? I'd say good.
But since I have chargers everywhere, even have the Moto dock in my car, it's not that big a deal to me.
So... I would suggest the Maxx to most people. After holding them both in my hand.
For what you get, insane battery life, vs what you give up, white and slightly lighter.... unless you really like white because it IS sexy. ;)
Hello! I love my trusty, now "old" DROID 3, but I am planning to upgrade pretty soon... maybe within hours, since Amazon is allowing me to upgrade now despite my date being really May the 22nd. I love the physical keyboard, but there's not any great phone out there anymore (no offense to anyone) with a keyboard (wouldn't get the DROID 4 or Stratosphere II). So I have been playing around with the current phones, and the ones that have been more realistic for my budget-which us uber tight at the moment-are the RAZR M, the white RAZR HD, and RAZR MAXX HD. I like all of them, my preference being for the white HD, the M, and lastly, the MAXX HD (for budget and weight/bulk considerations-I know the MAXX HD is better than the HD, at least in paper-theory.)

Since I am able to find the HD for what I consider to be a good price ($49.99 at Amazon), I am almost going with that. However, the MAXX HD is not much more expensive, at $69.99. HOWEVER... aesthetics and feel are so important to me, never mind my budget, in which even $5 dollars make quite a difference. I know it seems as if I already made up my mind about this, but does anyone actually like their HD over the MAXX HD more, despite the superior "firepower" (I know, it's identical minus the battery and higher internal storage) of the MAXX? And does anyone still like their HD, if you still have it?

As discussed on another thread, I also "had" the option of the "free" DROID DNA, but the special offer Verizon coupon ENDS on the 21st, and Verizon is being stubborn in not allowing me to renew my contract before the 22nd (that IS silly, but that's what happens when you let the letter of the law rule against common sense.) However, it may end up being in my favor, since for my taste, the white HD DOES look better, and feels better in the hand, despite the worse specs and inferior camera (plus the HD battery life is so much better anyway).

In short (and please be nice, haha!) is it so wrong for me to want the white HD even though I could get a slightly uglier-but better-phone for $20 bucks more?

By the time anyone answers, I may have already decided, but still, I am always curious to hear more users share their RAZR HD love/hate stories. Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend. :)

I would go with the DNA, I have the HD in black, its cool, but laggy as hell sometimes, the DNA isnt.
The Memory Card-less DNA that was released by HTC that has a piss poor track record of updating their devices????

The Memory Card-less DNA that was released by HTC that has a piss poor track record of updating their devices????

no card slot? then it is a no brainer I gotta be able to upgrade memory
The Memory Card-less DNA that was released by HTC that has a piss poor track record of updating their devices????


That's too bad indeed, as the DNA seemed so promising otherwise. Was Verizon people more helpful, I would have had a free DNA through their own promotion, but in the end, I felt so relieved when I just stuck my old SD card from my DROID 3 to my new HD no problem. While dealing with virtual storage was a solution I was willing to gamble with, I can't deny that just using my old card was infinitely more painless.
Hey I'm a Razr HD user and here's my two cents on your choice. Go with the Maxx. Here's why: first it's true that the Razr HD and the Razr HD Maxx are essentially the same phone, but the Maxx has 32 GB of internal storage and a bigger battery. If you're worried about looks, they are nearly identical, and you really won't notice the extra bulge of the bigger battery that much. The regular HD is a handful already, but the Maxx isn't really more of a handful by any means.

Now feature wise here's where you'll really get the extra bang for your buck: as I said above you'll get 32 GB instead of the standard 16 GB on the regular HD. Yeah the HD has a SD card slot, but unfortunately Android 4.0+ seems to have lost the ability to move apps to the SD card (without root at any rate), so the extra storage afforded by the SD card is really only helpful for pictures or other storage. I'm rooted and found I could move a few apps with a certain app, but the ability to natively move apps is gone. So that 32 GB is even more precious. Next, battery. I'd say it's worth the $20 for more battery. You can't buy an extended, or extra battery, so extra juice is a good thing to have.

That said the regular HD is still a fantastic phone and I'm very satisfied with it so far. 16 GB internal is more than many phones are offering, and I've found the battery to get me through the day, and it lasts longer over all much better than any other smartphone I've owned. Sure with really heavy use I'll have to recharge by midday, but that's really intensive use. And the recharge seems really fast so about an hour charging will get me through the rest of the day. Even a half hour gives me plenty of juice to make it many times.

I got the Razr HD for free on Wirefly and couldn't pass it up, especially since I was really in need a while back. But if I were buying again today I'd go for the Maxx in a heart beat! Even if the HD were free and the Maxx were $69 I would get the Maxx. I mean I'm signing a two year contract to get this thing so I might as well get the best.

Also, this is a minor issue for me, but finding a good case for the Razr HD is pretty hard unless you're shopping online, but even then choice seems limited. Not much you can do about that (everything is iPhone or GS3), but the Maxx seems slightly more popular and you might find accessories slightly more easily for the HD Maxx than the HD.

Hope this helps! And either way I'm sure you'll love the Razr, it's a beautiful and solid device.
I LOVE the White HD. A guy at work teases me because White is "for girls"... OK. Tell that to the Apple Heads.
I went through the same dilemma.
I decided on the HD for the exact reason you are talking about. I wanted slim and light as I could get.
So I ordered the HD and the MAXX at the same time. HD for me, Maxx for one of my bosses.
Let me tell you: when you hold them in your hand together it is HARD to tell which is which. Seriously. The Maxx is NOT much bigger AT ALL. and just a sliver heavier.
I really love the White. At night when the LED is blinking it reflects of the white bezel and the entire thing seems to glow. It's really neat.
But.... if I play with my phone a lot it it STILL WILL NOT MAKE IT THROUGH A FULL DAY. Everyone says the battery life is great. And it doesn't suck. But great? I'd say good.
But since I have chargers everywhere, even have the Moto dock in my car, it's not that big a deal to me.
So... I would suggest the Maxx to most people. After holding them both in my hand.
For what you get, insane battery life, vs what you give up, white and slightly lighter.... unless you really like white because it IS sexy. ;)

Yep, I went with the sexy solution. :p Battery seems way more than OK considering how little I could muster from my old DROID 3 for the last few months. Tomorrow shall be my first day being with the HD for a considerable time off a charger, so I shall see, but so far, no sudden battery energy drops. The white RAZR HD is a beautiful phone for my taste, and the best phone for me at the moment-the theoretically better phones usually have some quirks that don't suit me, or are overpriced at this point in time for my limited budget (I honestly prefer the "lesser" specs on the HD over the MAXX HD, JUST because of the slight less heavy/bulky feel and great looks of the white.)
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Hey I'm a Razr HD user and here's my two cents on your choice. Go with the Maxx. Here's why: first it's true that the Razr HD and the Razr HD Maxx are essentially the same phone, but the Maxx has 32 GB of internal storage and a bigger battery. If you're worried about looks, they are nearly identical, and you really won't notice the extra bulge of the bigger battery that much. The regular HD is a handful already, but the Maxx isn't really more of a handful by any means.

Now feature wise here's where you'll really get the extra bang for your buck: as I said above you'll get 32 GB instead of the standard 16 GB on the regular HD. Yeah the HD has a SD card slot, but unfortunately Android 4.0+ seems to have lost the ability to move apps to the SD card (without root at any rate), so the extra storage afforded by the SD card is really only helpful for pictures or other storage. I'm rooted and found I could move a few apps with a certain app, but the ability to natively move apps is gone. So that 32 GB is even more precious. Next, battery. I'd say it's worth the $20 for more battery. You can't buy an extended, or extra battery, so extra juice is a good thing to have.

That said the regular HD is still a fantastic phone and I'm very satisfied with it so far. 16 GB internal is more than many phones are offering, and I've found the battery to get me through the day, and it lasts longer over all much better than any other smartphone I've owned. Sure with really heavy use I'll have to recharge by midday, but that's really intensive use. And the recharge seems really fast so about an hour charging will get me through the rest of the day. Even a half hour gives me plenty of juice to make it many times.

I got the Razr HD for free on Wirefly and couldn't pass it up, especially since I was really in need a while back. But if I were buying again today I'd go for the Maxx in a heart beat! Even if the HD were free and the Maxx were $69 I would get the Maxx. I mean I'm signing a two year contract to get this thing so I might as well get the best.

Also, this is a minor issue for me, but finding a good case for the Razr HD is pretty hard unless you're shopping online, but even then choice seems limited. Not much you can do about that (everything is iPhone or GS3), but the Maxx seems slightly more popular and you might find accessories slightly more easily for the HD Maxx than the HD.

Hope this helps! And either way I'm sure you'll love the Razr, it's a beautiful and solid device.

What you say makes most sense, and surely $69.99 for the MAXX HD was the better value! It was more a matter of aesthetics and feel ultimately for me-plus I am used to deal with apps on internal storage since that's what I did with my old DROID 3, and never ran out of app space ( your mileage may vary, of course.)

I love this phone; so far no problems, and it's a gorgeous thing to behold AND use. :)
Nice. See what I mean about the bezel reflecting the color of the LED yet? SO love that. Getting a case??? I am not. Going NAKED! :D Why buy a skinny phone and then make it fat with a case? or a colored phone and then covering it up? Living on the edge, baby. Hope this Gorilla Glass is as good as it was on my Droid 1. :)
Nice. See what I mean about the bezel reflecting the color of the LED yet? SO love that. Getting a case??? I am not. Going NAKED! :D Why buy a skinny phone and then make it fat with a case? or a colored phone and then covering it up? Living on the edge, baby. Hope this Gorilla Glass is as good as it was on my Droid 1. :)

No offense to case lovers, but it has always seem to me as a cash grab, rather than something we really need. The phone fell 2 feet and a half from my bedroom table with nary a scratch (charging cable accident). Still in like new condition, and I can even bet the screen won't scratch ever, based on my experiences with my old DROID 3, which never got scratched and never had "protection". If anything, if there are phones that "need" protection they would be the flimsier ones around that seem to be all the rage. But not even with those I would tarnish the appearance of my device with needless covers and "protectors" that, to me, serve little purpose other than feeding other businesses.

The phone looks awesome/beautiful "nude"-why mess with that for the sakes of some protection the phone doesn' t even need in the first place? (IMO)

As for the coworkers who found your phone "too feminine", a big "LOL" and boo to them for being so horribly biased with antiquated concepts such as colors and similar stuff being related to gender-societal constructs all of them. Enjoy your phone because it is right for you, not because it's more "macho" than others.
I hate cases, too, but I think they do serve a purpose.
I have a nice chip in on the edge of my 3 week old RAZR HD. I'll get a pic.
And I have shattered the glass on 3 phones. 2 of those instances, a case would have helped.
BUT they were HTC non-Gorilla Glass phones.

Having said that:
A few years ago the job had a defective Droid 1 that we needed to break the screen on (because Assurance wouldn't replace it at the time for a bad keyboard). I should have recorded it because you would not believe what it took to crack that screen.
I slammed it on a desk, on the corner of the desk glass first and I COULD NOT BREAK IT. Stepped on it. Jumped on it. Threw it down the hall.
Nothing. Not a scratch.
Threw it off the 3rd floor balcony and finally broke it.

I trust Gorilla Glass now and wil not use a case.
As I don't pay for my phones (job) I don't care about reselling...