Re-Root Your Droid X After Update

I just installed the update and Z4 worked for me.
I did however have Z4 before, unrooted with Z4, installed update, then rerooted with Z4. I did get a weird little green guy with an explanation sign but I pulled the battery turned it on and it booted right up. Checked my wireless tether and it worked. Looks like I'm good to go.
Cant get to work

Evertime I try and root the phone I run the permenant root option and it goes through the steps and reboots and then does not work. At first I had root then the 2.3.340 came out and erased it. So I took that off and tried to root, but wont work. So then I went back and now I do not have an option to unroot. HOW DO I FIX THIS. REALLY WANT TO BE ROOTED, PLEASE HELP!
'fanx wurx g8, furst thyme

I had been postponing the OTA upgrade as I didn't want to lose root. This was the perfect solution.
I got z4root on my phone from 4shared, did permanent root, and then it started running. Then UT just quit out and said the application unexpectedly quit. I have done restarts, battery pulls, and I've tried uninstalling z4 and reinstalling. Any help?

Thanks in advance

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*It just quits out.

I also am running 2.2.1 on an LG vortex

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make sure its the latest version of z4

tapped on my LibX 1.5
well 1.3 worked on mine. youre on 2.3.340 right?

tapped on my LibX 1.5
I have android version 2.2.1 and kernel version

What is the number you mentioned pertaining to?

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that's 2.3.340. have you tried the stuff mentioned in the thread? like trying to unroot with z4, rebooting, then trying to root?

tapped on my LibX 1.5
oh I see.. haha
make sure you have the latest z4 is all I can say then, I have v1.3 and it worked for me, although it did hang up at first and I had to battery pull and retry and it worked after about 10 minutes.

tapped on my LibX 1.5
I just tried to run 1.3.0 again. I turned off my phone, then turned it back on. I ran it and did permanent root. It just quit out again. Idk what to do anymore

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you might have to do it the long way. Google Droid 2 root for Droid x. also, may I ask what is a vortex?

edit : nevermind, I just saw it's an LG phone. I'm sorry man but I'm clueless about that, really wish I could help :/

tapped on my LibX 1.5