Remove stock images from 'dock mode'


Oct 15, 2011
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I'd like to remove the stock wallpaper images that appear on the Thunderbolt when you place your phone in dock mode.

I have a cradle that holds the phone in landscape orientation and as soon as I drop the phone into the cradle, my wallpaper starts rotating with pictures of a woman I don't know, somebody's dog, various photos like mountains and other scenery appear from a stock art collection. It's annoying to be forced to look at these pictures.

Do I have to root my phone to gain access to these images so I can delete them and replace them with images of my own or is there an app or setting that will work as a work-around so I don't have to root my phone?

This is my single most annoying feature of the Thunderbolt. A close second is the bloatware but that by itself doesn't annoy me enough to root my phone for the removal of the pre-loaded junk.

Thanks in advance!
When you put it on the cradle, hit the menu button and hit the settings button that pops up. That should give you the option to change the background images.
Perfect! Wow, that's where the silly menu was hidden. I didn't think to hit Menu while the screen was locked with the rotating images, thanks!

I have to figure out how to downsize the image so the image fits in the viewing area. It doesn't make sense to me that the image would be about 4 times the size of the viewing area.
Perfect! Wow, that's where the silly menu was hidden. I didn't think to hit Menu while the screen was locked with the rotating images, thanks!

I have to figure out how to downsize the image so the image fits in the viewing area. It doesn't make sense to me that the image would be about 4 times the size of the viewing area.

:biggrin: It's all good. Glad you got it working though.