Replacement Advice


New Member
Apr 11, 2013
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So my story goes like this.
Had my droid 4 for a year and really loved it. Then I couldn't get it to charge and it sounded like marbles rolling around when others would speak on the phone. The Verizon store near me ruled it to be a swollen battery and metal shavings in the microphone. They sent me a refurbished phone which I had no problem with.
The day I got my replacement phone my fiancé dropped it and it cracked grrr but it is not large and I can handle that.
The same marble/metal shaving problem is happening again. I have had the replacement phone for one week. So I took it to Verizon. I have full insurance but they said it will cost $100 dollars to replace. Then they said I could try to talk to Motorola but they would likely charge me $400 because of the small crack. Or I could get a new phone and transfer the number to that.
Anyone who has experience working with Verizon or the same situation please advise me! Im a broke college student that is very dependent on her phone but too poor to afford a several hundred dollar replacement
i had my driod 4 for 8 months before the battery craped out i called verizon they told me they would give me a refurb replacement and told me i would have to pay 100 bucks for it I told them that i just 200 bucks to buy it new i am not gonna pay another 100 bucks for a refurb they said thats all they could they do because of the contract and it was still under warrenty only 8 months in on a 2 year contract but its not right to pay for a refurb when you just bought it new even with full insurance that was totaly useless so i droped it in the trash and went back to my driod 2 that works better any way and they got mad at me because i thew away a 4G phone and not got the refurb and not give them another 100 Bucks for more crap:blink: