Ringer Problem with Galaxy S II


New Member
Sep 28, 2014
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Current Phone Model
Samsung Galaxy S II
Hi Folks.

I'm having trouble with the Ringer on my Galaxy S II. When my phone rings there is no sound. When I try to change ringtone there is no sound. Listening to music is fine. Phone rings through headphones. The ringer volume is up full. When I do a factory reset all is fine for a little while. Then it happens all over again. No sound from ringtones or when phone is ringing. Also no sound from Alarm clock.

Could it be a software issue?

Can anyone help?

Welcome to the Forum.

it could be a software issue. The ringtone file could be corrupt and needs to be reinstalled. Are you running the latest OS?
Thanks Jeffrey.

I am running the latest OS as I only checked that the other day. It was working for a little while yesterday but it's gone again today.
Reflash your Device using Samsung Kies! This will rule out any software issues you might be having!

Please follow the Guide in my SIG below