Root Call Blocker - accept no substitutes [9 Sept]


Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Root Call Blocker - accept no substitutes [14 Sept]

Root Call Blocker

Feeling paranoid? Need privacy? Discretion?

Enter Root Call Blocker, the only true call firewall available on Android.

Unlike all other call blocking apps, Root Call Blocker silently blocks calls at a system level. You need not even know its working.



- A call will never go through
- Your phone never rings
- Reject calls from anyone, including restricted numbers
- Wildcards block groups of callers
- Keep blocked calls and messages hidden
- Five reject methods, including "Don't answer"
- Per-number logging


- Multiple profiles
- Groups integration
- Exceptions
- SMS auto-replies
- Scheduling
- Logging
- In-app replies
- Persistent and event notifications
- Customizable vibrate notifications
- Export from hidden logs
- Low profile
- Big plans ;)
- And much, much more

The Lite version now gives you full Groups access, and therefore unlimited blocking!

Thank you everyone who helped make this app into what it is today, and dont forget - the beta may be over, but suggestions for features or support in general is available any time!


Please follow the instructions in the app's Settings menu to send us logs of your error. Reproduce the error, then send the log.

Lite Market link:

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Will keep this in mind. currently happy with Mr Number. I may just d/l this to have it.


- Fixed restricted caller recognition issues
- Added restart telephony option
- Daemon library modifications for extra speed
- Strings corrected


- Delete all issue fixed
- Backup encryption added (simply re-save data to enable)
- Database optimizations implemented, speed increased

By the way, mr number is in a different class entirely. Our app is way, WAY better.
can you explain:
Five reject methods, including "Don't answer"

If the app could import blocked numbers from that other app. You would have be sold.
I haver wanted to add this feature for ages, but i need some examples of what kinds of files these are and the number of numbers they contain.

I also want to add numbers from spam lists generated by online spam filter organizations, but i cant seem to find any actual files, just online lists which i really dont want to write a parser for.

Can you send me an example file? Or post one here?

RE reject methods - they are explained in detail in the app's Help section.
i have no idea how these things work, so finding a property file would be next to impossible.
I wish I had the time to play and learn this stuff.

but I will go hit the market and give this a shot. Im sorta surprised there hasnt been more interest in this
Updated to 168 - let me know if you have issue please. Suggestions are also welcome!

Regarding interest - this apps thread on xda has 1000 replies. Also, we have sold over 15000 copies overall, with an everage rating of 4.8!

So interest is there.
Thanks, for the new logging features its cool!
Added hidden mode and password protection.

Added more macros.